RealmEye glitch?


So, I was looking at the top 100 Ninjas on RealmEye when I found this:

Now, I looked at the stats of the items just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating, then went and looked at the other Ninjas. MrExterm is the only one that has 75(+50) defence on a NINJA.

It’s kind of off-topic, but I assume this is a bug (I’d be shook if MrExterm had that much def on a Ninja ingame
Anyone know what happened??


They buffed spectral armor so it gives 44 def now

But really realmeye is always doing things like that it’s slightly buggy I guess


Perhaps he was last seen with def booster on?



Can confirm the answer is...


@Nevov I didn’t know that tinctures of defence applied to RealmEye’s registry! Thanks for the info!


No clue but I’m now aware that I’m the 207th best ninja so ty for that.


You can get buffed by a paladin and realmeye will show your health/maxhp as higher than it should be.


Realmeye shows what it last sees your stats at

I guess you could say its a bug but i see it as working correctly


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