RealmEye RotMG Discord




Heh… how can the bans be lifted?

I was bored out of my mind the day I trolled the chat… that was before I found the forums.


There are currently no bans.





there are even more now
@Scorchmist you are now offically a meme



Remember[quote=“Stupidity, post:5, topic:2486, full:true”]
Please note that this discord is created by a forum user but is not actually affiliated with realmeye itself.

Which means:[quote=“JawsJakt, post:6, topic:2486, full:true”]
Yes, this is why I did not include an “Official” tag. Though, I can add an unofficial if you deem it necessary.

And thus @Scorchmist is an unofficial meme, not an official meme, since it’s an unofficial discord


Your a party pooper poopy


cant get to the discord


so did you guys add the realmdiscord?? Cause The only bots I see are realmbot, @Niegil’s slave, and @Niegil’s other slave… xD are one of them realmdiscord? but I don’t see any update things in the discord…


Oh yeah we only have eris, dyno, and realmbot. I personally think those are plenty, but I wouldn’t be against adding more if the others want to.


Realmdiscord was down when I tried to add it before. (When I added Realmbot) I could see if I can’t get it this time when I get access to my computer again.

Not sure what’s up with your discord @Laserquest , as stupid as it sounds restarting your PC may help. (If not redownloading Discord most likely will.)


Why did we not add this again? Can we not have both?

It’s up now so


Why do people keep banning me every time I join? I’m not breaking any rules. They’ve banned every single account I’ve made for absolutely no reason.


Unofficial discord, you’re a nuisance on the forums and therefore not welcome.


I’m not breaking any rules though, am I?


Only rule is don’t get banned

You broke that rule when I banned you.


But what was I banned for? I didn’t break any rules that were on the RealmEye Forums.


Again, it’s a unofficial discord it does not need to be rationalised, majority of the people in it don’t like you and mod vote was in favour of ban.


@JawsJakt made the discord and he said that the same rules of forums apply in the discord.