Realmeye says that when you hit 0 hp you still live (On description of Cheater robe), but is this true?


Yes it’s true. You die at -1

When you reach 0 you can no longer be healed via a pet or vit. And you cannot die by anything except tiles. Usually for this to happen you have to be healed at the same time that you take damage. Idk why it differs for the cheater armor.

You also become invisible


What he is saying is that if 100 minus 100 ftom armor doesnt kill why does 100 - 100 from damage kill you?


Because Max HP is limited to not kill you, you can’t go below 0 max hp so it can’t set your actual hp at below 0.


Ah, this makes perfect sense. Thank you!
(I’m not being sarcastic, your comment to Septagram cleared things up for me :slight_smile: )
I swear I’m not being sarcastic, I don’t know how to prove it though :confused:


Can enemies detect you once invisible?


Suh Scoville


Suh Nelly


Wanna play rn?




Yes but shots go through you


Yes, this is true. In order to die you need to hit negative 1 hp or lower. I know this because I was recently on a ppe mystic in a udl and I hit exaclty 0 hp, but survived. When you hit you hp, then your health doesn’t regenerate by itself, you need to drink hp pots, have a priest or wait for your pet to heal you. This has been in the game code for some time since Kalle himself made a video about getting to exactly 0 hp and surviving back in 2012. I hope this information was useful.


You also become invisible, but only to other players. Enemies can still see you. I think that other players can see your shots as well since I was with a friend that I was discording with when the ordeal happened to me.


You still take damage from those bullets though.

A remarkable thing is that debuffs from bullets can no longer affect you.
(For example, the beholder’s blind shot can go through you with no status effect being applied, but you will dc.)


you sure about that? this happened to me in a nest and I was able to solo the rest of it without moving because I couldn’t get hit.

(should be said that this was on testing but I don’t see why that would differ from prod to testing)


It happened to me in the godlands while I was trying to suicide a bad roll in the lava.
I went invisible, then went on to fight a beholder, letting the bullets go through me (I took the normal amount of damage per bullet).

Shortly having some blind bullets go through me, I dced.

It happened about half a year ago though, so it might have changed to your scenario.
I really have no way of finding out other than attempting it again, which is kind of difficult.


Ya know what I think it is?

all shots that have debuffs assocatied with them do no damage, sorta like a hacked client. All shots at the nest buff have something.


That is very likely.


I’m pretty sure there was a post a long time ago about how the game’s code “views” death. Basically, the game in its current state views 0 HP as dead, so it will not apply status effects to a dead character. I’m pretty sure because of some tie that status effect shots have to their specific effect, they are seen as applying effects to a dead player. Normal shots passing through is like shots passing over a grave, however, so it can still kill you because you’re there. It’s really weird because normal shots without effects should also pass you by.

A way to fix this is to make all cheater armors -99 HP and have you die at 0 HP like you should.


Wow! Learning so many things here!


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