Realmeye's Wiki needs an Edit


So some of you know that some Minions in Oryx’s Castle drop all 6 Base Stat Potions
But theres this guy
he also drops Stat Potions the Pots that i have found out were : Atk Def Wis Vit

Because i dont know how to edit Realmeye (without destroying anything) i would like any1 to edit the page
People can edit Realmeye Wiki from 14 Stars but please any1 with knowlege make this

**Edit: So today i cleared with some random friends the whole oryx castle and it looks like the Statues that you need to clear drop potions of defense


I can edit it, but are you sure?


Mmmm, I’m pretty sure they don’t drop vit/wis/speed/dex. Not sure about attack but I’ve definitely gotten def.


They do?
I’ve been playing for awhile now never hear of that


Today i dropped vit wis and attack from them


They must have changed the code then. What I have from way, way back only shows them dropping tier 1 potions (Health and Magic) and tier 3 potions (Wines).


yeah something definitely changed because I’ve gotten every pot except mana and life from them since I started playing again. however, it may be worth noting I have only gotten these with loot pots on. without loot pots on I’ve only gotten att or def.


I have gotten attack from the Commanders, but that is all i know.


Just in case you weren’t aware, loot pots don’t make monsters drop things they wouldn’t normally drop.

That aside, usually for monsters that drop more than 2 different types of stat pots, they program it to drop tier 2 potions instead of separating out multiple lines to specify them each by name (Oryx and Oryx 2 are notable exceptions, however).

HGEdit: Thanks to CandyShi for catching my typo. I’ve fixed it (see italicized text above).


I knew brutes and those insect spawners dropped stat pots, but I didn’t know about those guys. Thanks for the information!


Yeah Loot drops doesnt change the Drop table they only Incress the Drop rate
Here are the ss


You can even see where the guy is standing and where the wis got dropped


??? I swear I’ve gotten a dex from a few


Ok, skullzUT has pretty convincing evidence so I take back what I say.



So they won’t drop normal things with loot pots on?


Oh dang, what a mistake. Thanks for catching that.

It should be “wouldn’t”. I’ll fix that.


I’m wondering if the wines are interfering with the normal drops for these enemies.

Because if these minions & statues in the Oryx Castle can also drop wines along with the HP & MP pots.

I have got stat pots from them while my loot potions have been active, though can’t remember if purple +tier or orange +%, or both loot potions were active. Sorry.

Edit: I’m suggesting wines as the reason because I didn’t loot stat pots from other HP/MP-dropping enemies at all, so thinking it could be this. Wines being “tier 3” iirc.


ikr they didnt added the wines too


New Edit ***


Yeah, I did too. Without loot pots on.