Realms are all full? [now fixed]


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Stalking realmeyers

I have gone to a variety of previously empty servers and every realm is full. I hope this glitch will soon be repaired as it limits all playing to how many keys are being opened


I guess the only option to play currently is to go and do keys.
Public popping servers such as: USE nexus, or any server that’s crowded is worth checking.


Just do event pops in either pub shatters or pub halls


God damn it this is the 2nd time I’ve seen this happen


but more on to the topic at hand, this is the first time I’ve ever seen this happen. And some people in game are speculating its most likely botting, which it probably is. Only thing to do is play something else or play via key popping.


Clands time to shine
Hope we get some free stuff out of it tho bc I can’t lvl easily with no realms >_<


Fixed now. No more fulln’t realms!


apparantly fixed


boss scaling seems to be fucked though, according to JustARayOfPitchBlack and some others on le reddit:

Just wanted to let ya know, a new problem is up. In USW2, the crowded one, in Reaper, bosses health scaling are off the charts. Like, you cant do anything to the Rock Dragon or Penta, and the Penta has been up for 6 hours. Please fix,and check twice next time.


Same, I spent an hour tryna do ava eye phase and eventually never got to oryx, everyone brought their dps sets too…


I’ll post a transcript of the Deca response linked to on that Reddit in case it is useful:

Yeah hum, okay, it’s a bit generic and informationless I probably didn’t need to bother copying it… Lol.


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