Rebooted! - Beach Zone is Recruiting [USMW]


(Special thanks to SoloSen for the banner)

Hello stranger! Beach Zone is currently looking for new and friendly faces to fill the roster. While the requirements above hold true, your personality and temperament will ultimately determine a permanent spot on our roster.

Info Kiosk

  • Our guild is based in USMW. Please stick to this server, as we want to encourage as much guild co-op as possible

  • Discord is a mandatory asset. Brownie points for a working mic and willingness to voice chat! (This is optional)

  • Swearing is fine, just don’t use vulgarity as an excuse to incite toxic behavior

Apply Here!

For any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me in-game. Hope to see you on the Beach Zone! :tropical_drink:

Looking for an experienced guild
Closing thread - mods, please remove post
\/Looking For A Guild\/

My thread was better lol
Good luck with the new recruitments nevertheless.


Hey Namejamie here.

I just applied but, here is my discord Namejamie#2503.

Prob easiest to reach me there thanks.


I am currently in Beach Zone and can personally say this is a great guild!


Name Scoopyjoe discord Spoofy#6789


Sent form! Really looking forward to joining this guild if I can :smiley:

I’ve got a 6/8 archer and planning to max a rogue soon

I can do clean tombs and shatters!

Discord is BidoofJSON#1150, PM me please.


Made an application.
Discord is Sakomototo#1744 if you’d like to contact me that way, since I’m always on.


I applied using both applications, the one posted in this thread and on your realmeye guild page. If you want to contact me my discord is Dingus#5147.

Edit: If you see me join another guild while im waiting for a response, ill still join if im accepted.


If you want more information or want to tell me whether I got rejected or not, please pm me at Leohe #0013


Filled out application form and here’s my realmeye page:


Just sent in an application, my Discord is Auroratow#3129 PM me there to let me know if I got accepted, thanks.


I’ve applied!

Discord is Antoniopop#1582

Let me know, thanks!


Wait, did any of you get messaged? Did I just not make it?


send in application my discord is Autism#3484


Sent in an application
Discord is Jwischer1#8890


I just applied! I’ve been looking for a new friendly and experienced guild lately and I may have just found it :slight_smile:
Discord: Nerpy#8014

P.S. if this info is needed i have 1 8/8 1 7/8 2 6/8s and a 4/8 as well as a 2/8 with 3k total alive fame


Beach Zone’s back BABY!


Discord btw A Box Full of Lies#8024. Just applied


The founder and I have talked, and we decided to close this recruitment thread. If you’d still like to join you could dm me on discord @Brandon#8180


We are still recruiting! msg me at laserquest #4068 is you are interested in joining. Rules still apply.
you can also pm me or our other members to join as well
(also pls say here if you want to join as well)