Records of the Lost Halls (3/?): Report from the Champion of Oryx


Lost Halls: LORE

Ah, now this dude-erino I remember. Powerful bunch.


I really like these stories, they build the lore from different perspectives and give a clear picture.

1/?- Newly discovered halls, explorer’s go in and get lost in these vast halls of marble, filled with rotting horrors, ultimately falling into the clutches of insanity, becoming mindless savages.

2/?- A bandit gets kidnapped by the ones building the golem, and human experimentation is predicted, and the outlaw boldly denies the idea of becoming their prisoner forever, whether his soul has stayed with him or not.

3/?- Oryx, for some odd reason, is not the usual drunk black dinosaur with a shotgun he usually is. This hints at the immense power this threat holds. Oryx is withholding information about this ultimate weapon, and his champion is somewhat ignorant of the sheer power of the halls that await him.

Overall, these weave together quite well, providing much more in-depth lore that any other dungeon has ever been given, and I look forward to these notes daily. I can’t wait for the Lost Halls, redefining the definition of endgame.

Too bad I suck at this game, and probably will never complete a Lost Halls when it comes out. :C


Don’t take that personally. Most people (myself included) won’t be able to.


cant you just put them all in one thread?


[quote=“Piggby, post:3, topic:12309”]
probably will never complete a Lost Halls when it comes out.
[/quote]get dervi to carry you through


That won’t be enough. Trust me. Nobody could carry someone through the Lost Halls effectively.



what if you had a 100people group steamroll it?

for some reason, the more dungeons that come out, the less i want to play.





Nice joke. 100 people won’t be even close to enough to steamroll this.




Literally no amount of players will be capable of steamrolling the boss. In fact, more players will make it more difficult.


Stop hyping me for something I can’t do. I’ve never even completed the Shatters :cry:


lets take a look back

now we steamroll with 50


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