Recruiting for IBM – New Guild for Beginners


Sure, lemme invite you.


Alrighty, what server are you on atm??




I didn’t see what you messaged me in game, I was teleporting…


Sorry, I was just saying that I won’t be very active until next week :slight_smile:


Hey, can I join the guild?


I’d like to join the guild


Hey, Ziqpyk here

I guess I count as a noob :man_shrugging:

I have shatter and tomb knowledge, aaand I would like to join

I am online EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. with a few exceptions

Might be a bit late tho :thinking:


Sorry, I actually disbanded the guild because I’m too inactive to make the guild any good. Sorry, but I’m sure there are many better guilds out there for you! Good luck :slight_smile:


Oh. Anyways, thanks.


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