Regarding servers going down [anointed megathread]


Nah whatcha gotta do is

Step 1:Select life

Step 2:Deselect life

Step 3:???

Step 4:Proft


usw2 is up again




crashed usw2


usw2 was just on for like 5 min, then went down again


got a potion of att tho :slight_smile:




deca, if you actually want to salvage the game, you need to create new servers with new ip addresses, until then, the problems will undoubtedly persist.


USW2 is offline ;/


Servers down again


i was about to max my dex then boom computer exploaded and lolgothakd appeared out of nowhere shaking his butt in my face


Deca I would try and offer technical advice like some of the others here but luckily im not stupid enough to think i know more about this shit than u guys do


im playing perfectly fine in usw2


nvm just crashed smh.






imagine if you could play rotmg on your phone …


rip harharhar


The issue is the IP’s of the servers are stupidly easy to obtain as Deca doesn’t use dynamic IP’s for each of the servers. It’s a simple solution to make dynamic IP’s for all the servers.


it just came back, logged on alt. it looks like it keeps crashing but it comes back right after.