Resprite / Shade the Puri Tome


Purification Tome is easily one of the best tomes in game. But its sprite its just…. t2 tome with gold cross on it.

I tried to shade it, keeping cross untouched .

Here is original puri :
And here is puri i shaded :
I know this doesn’t look as best as it could be.

  • Puri need a resprite / shading
  • Let it stay as it is

0 voters


It looks like an egg


I have no idea how does it looks like an egg but, okay.


Without the square in the middle of the puri it looks like a hard boiled egg that somewhat rotten


I can’t see it, but this made me laugh


Sprite looks fine as is. Doesn’t need to be changed.


I care to disagree it looks a bit bland. But I don’t think shading is the way to go.


the current sprite isn’t great but yours isn’t better


Please, read correctly. Also sprite is personal thing, thing that is wrong with original puri sprite is being too bland and its actually t2 tome but with golden cross. It doesn’t have a chance compared to other UT’s.


I suggested a change, it is not how i imagine its sprite, only what it needs, look at the title. It is not called “Shaded Puri” only "Resprite / Shade the Puri Tome’


Is it better?
npuri or npuri2


Left one is better but overshaded make it a nicer white color cuz it looks like a mbc drop






looks a bit too bright for me


Ok, these are the final versions.

  • npuri3
  • npuri4

0 voters


Shading doesn’t work on tomes.


It’s a book. It has a flat surface. No real shading needed.


It’s a slanted book, it should have a bit of shading


Its description also says that its covered in white leather.