Resprites For Some Stuff


I got bored. Maybe give me some feedback on these resprites?

Twilight Gemstone

Ancient Stone Sword

Helm of the Juggernaut

Orb of Conflict

I’ll be adding more stuff soon.


It’s good, but gemstone looks like prism


I really like tha ASS resprite, but I think the gemstone doesn’t really look like a gemstone with a dark glow anymore, just a sparkling gem. I like the dark glow around the original personally.


I prefer the original stone sword as the shading differs to how swords usually are.
I like gemstone, but its prism-like shape may confuse some people.
Possibly make the gem on the inside a richer purple and leave the outer glow that desaturated purple.


yea gemstone would look like a nice prism


It was originally gonna be a prism idea, but when I was experimenting with these shades of purple, I noticed that it looked a lot like a crystal - a twilight gemstone.


this is pretty impressive considering the items you resprited were already some of the nicest looking ones in the game


…except the jugg


Jugg looks very nice though


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