Reworking/Buffing Mediocre ST Items


Hello, Realmeye forumgoers. In this post I will leave a link to a Google Doc containing notes and suggestions for buffing/reworking the following items in the hopes of making the use of full ST sets more viable.

  • Seal of the Enchanted Forest
  • Ring of Pure Wishes
  • Wand of Geb
  • Geb’s Ring of Wisdom
  • Mantle of Skuld
  • Spectral Ring of Horrors
  • Sentient Staff
  • Twilight Robe
  • The Forgotten Ring
  • The Phylactery
  • Ring of the Covetous Heart
  • Indomptable
  • Helm of Draconic Dominance
  • Zaarvox’s Heart
  • Amulet of Drakefyre
  • Nectar Crossfire
  • Honeytomb Snare
  • Apiary Armor

More depth in here…


just go buff UBwis already


This entire set is fine
That ring is really nice, that helm is an hp jugg, the armor is close to viable, the sword is the only piercing sword, the set bonus instantly makes this an easily usable set, also remove every ring from that list, because an ST rings true stats is its base stats + the set bonus, which makes them all viable


Umm what? Helm doesn’t give you speedy or beserk which is detrimental when you use the sword, armor is weaker, sword has bad range, bad DPS, and piercing doesn’t really matter.

Definitely needs a buff.


Wand of Geb clearly need a buff a would say


maybe balance the twilight arch mage’s ring? Idk, seems kinda op. almost like a bracer but more obtainable. all in all tho, good work(never liked the sentient staff, now it seems like a fun /usable staff).


Just because an item isn’t OP doesn’t mean it is bad. :sunglasses:


This is more of a general reply to all up to this point.

The post is not about making all items OP or great, but making all have a place. For example, Wand of Geb had no place at all. Now it works against low defense targets as a fast firing wand with its own downsides. Indomptable shreds high defense foes at close range instead of being gimmicky and constantly lower DPS than most other swords for the sake of high damage per hit. Mantle of Skuld was made a kind middle ground between Harley and Csilk for those who value a spot of speed and mana. The Sentient Staff who was inferior to Cosmic in near every way became a potent armor piercing staff with numerous of its own negatives instead of what it used to be, etc. I will not say I didn’t take EVERYTHING into account and there are indeed flaws, however.

The Forgotten Ring was definitely overdone and I thought about it a lot and for some reason never nerfed it again. I will probably do that. As for Geb’s Ring of Wisdom, had you read the doc, you’d have known I nerfed the Wisdom and buffed the Vit so UBWis WOULD have a place.

I didn’t take Set Bonuses into account as I stated in document knowing they’d HAVE to be changed too, but I only was working on the items.


OMG TRUE! It’s so bad rn XD


There are plenty of better options out there. You get a miniscule 20 HP, a pathetic 10 MP, and a mediocre-at-best 3 attack and 2 defense? How is that overpowered?


Take it you didn’t read the document. He was referring to my buff of it, giving it +60 HP, +6 DEF, +6 ATT, +6 WIS

This was since reduced to +50 HP, +5 DEF, +5+, +5 WIS.


I don’t know what stat + is, but I feel like I definitely want 5 of it


I did, but on Reddit.


sts have their ups and downs, their not suppose to be blatantly overpowered


While this is true, they shouldn’t be blatantly useless either. The Wand of Geb for example, has an awkward firing pattern, lower damage than a normal wand, and has lower range. This discourages use of the full set. The same can be said for Swoll Paladin or Skuld Rogue. They have ups and downs, but those completely useless downs or overpowered ups DON’T balance when one can just use the ups and replace the downs with useful items. STs should not be overpowered, but should at least encourage use of their sets.


Yeah, your right


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