Reworking the Oryx Awesome Set


The Oryx Awesome set, being the first of the ST series, falls short of just being reskins. But why not make it more “ST-esque”, by adding some wonky effect to change the playstyle of the knight?

Sword of the Mad God
Tier ST
Shots 1
Damage 100–300 (average: 200)
Projectile Speed 10 tiles/second
Lifetime 350 milliseconds
Range 3.8 tiles
Stats: +2 DEF
Ignores Enemy Defense
Fame Bonus 4%
Feed Power 450

Swords don’t much benefit from armor piercing swords, so this would work best on armored enemies. The acclaim outdamages it up to 71 defense, but also is shorter range than the new MG sword.

Onyx Shield of the Mad God

Tier: ST
MP Cost: 120
Stats: +15 HP, +15 DEF
Shots: 5
Damage: 160 (800)
Projectile Speed: 7
Effect: Stun, Slow, Curse, for 3 seconds
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 380

This shield shoots 5 star bullets in the same fashion as a regular shield, only they do not pierce enemies or obstacles. Each bullet is like the stars shot from Oryx 2. The middle star cause stun, while the side stars cause Curse and Slow (each being its respective color), and the furthest two out will just pierce armor. It goes a further distance but also at a slower rate.

Almandine Armor of Anger

Tier: ST
Stat Bonus: +30 HP, +20 DEF, +10 VIT
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 435

An exchange of 4 DEF for a small HP boost and big VIT boost.

Almandine Ring of Wrath

+50 HP, +7 Def, +7 Vit
A fallover to the Experimental RIng, exchanging MP and 10 HP for 3 extra DEF and VIT

Equipment Set Bonuses
+95 HP , +44 DEF, +17 VIT

Additonal Set Bonuses
+45 HP, +5 ATK, +6 DEF, +8 VIT

Overall Bonuses
+140 HP, +5 ATK, +50 Def, +25 VIT

A more gimmicky Knight set, but overall adding more surviviability in exchange.


That would be fantastic

Overall I like the idea

Although I guess I would have to buy a new acclaim for my knight


Personally, I like this idea. Make the shield with a higher damage variety like 160 - 220 or 180 - 240. and lower the range. It isn’t necessarily needed.


Ty for give Oryx something special.

(maybe debuff shield Stun, Slow, Curse, for 3 sec, in my opinion better that Ogmur)


Probably lower the time I’d say or maybe replace stun for daze and keep the time


Seems a bit similar to the Fairy Plate
Stat Bonus: +40 HP, +40 MP, +20 DEF


There’s only so many ways to arrange stats. Didn’t see an armor that gave good vit yet.


I mean sure, but I would rather use a Fairy Plate in every other situation as Vit isn’t needed as much with pets.


It is part of a set though and as the st rings of past have proved, not every part of a set needs to be the best thing ever!


It doesn’t necessarily have to but putting in a debuffed Fairy Plate isn’t really my idea of a fun item to play with.
I would rather make an ST Armor that provides more of an exciting feature even if it’s terrible then stats that are a bit original but not that fun to play with. :man_shrugging: Just my opinion.


Quirky and nice, except if this were actually implemented, the current state of the economy would go to hell (you paid an acrop + 2 life for that alamadatine on your paladin to make you look sexy, now it’s just a bad fairy plate. Whatcha gonna do?)


The economy is already shot to hell, there is no worry for it.




I always wondered why the set was just a bunch of reskins. Great idea.


True🙄 Tops are basically worthless rn.


Only thing I’m a bit unsure about are the sheer amount of stat boosts you get from the set. I mean I think that goes along with the play style, but you’ve also just given then a free Exa HP and +50 def, which means you’re getting close to the def cap and really high on hp.

Other than that 8/8


the shield is beyond broken and i dont think it works because duffs dont stack personally, your asking for a shield to stun armor break and curse. that needs to be reworked a little lol


Not armor break, armor pierce. The bullet themselves would be unaffected by defense.


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