Riddle me this


You answer the riddle on the post above (with an explanation if needed), and then add a riddle of your own. You can only submit an answer if you have a riddle submitted too! If you find a riddle that you find particularly interesting, you can like the post, and once in a while I’ll update this post with the most liked riddles.
I’ll start with an age-old one:

Which creature has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?


A hooman.
I can roar, gurgle and murmur, but I have neigh voice. I can move slow and rapid but only down, I am eaten but never die, thus never frown. What am I?



how many nerds does it take to replace a light bulb?


An undefined amount, they don’t know how to screw.
(If this is wrong, just reply to this and I’ll delete it)
What is at the beginning of everything, yet also at the end of time?


Took you guys long enough


When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?


The day after Thanksgiving.

Polly’s dad has 5 kids. He’s an asshole, and decided to name four of his kids January, February, March and April. What are the names of his five kids?



The actual answer is in the dictionary. I’ve seen that riddle so many times that it’s painfully obvious.

The answer to your riddle is Polly.

What has rings, but no fingers?


One of those pile-up toy things.
Alternate answer, Saturn.

What has a neck, a head with a face, and sometimes hair, but no body or limbs?


i genuinely have no idea…the closest i thought of was a detachable toy. Or mr potato head…

the answer i was looking for in my riddle was a tree.


It’s not a peepee, is it?

I have 5 letters. Remove my first, and I am a form of energy. Remove my first and second, I become a necessity for survival, and I can be done to my 5 letter form. Rearrange this necessity for survival, and I become a fancy beverage. What am I?



You throw out the outside, eat the inside, then throw out the inside.
what is it?


corn on a corn
What has a mouth but never eats?


What has hair but doesn’t pee


A fresh corpse!

What do you hear everything from, that doesn’t talk or make a noise?


the voices inside my head.
A boy was talking to a girl about his age. They are both the same age. He said “If I take two of your years away, and added them to my age, i’d be twice your age!”
The girl replied;
“and if I take one year away from my age now, and add it to yours, you’d be thrice my age!”
How old are they originally?


In other words, with x being their age, x+2=2x; therefore, 2=2x-x -> 2=x +x-x.
The other way doesn’t quite work like that, since that would result in 3x = x+1; unfortunately, 3*2 =/= 2+1.
I think you meant

In which case it is true, since x+1=3*(x-1); 2+1=3*(2-1) -> 3=3 *1

So, their age is 2.

The actual answer was “the grapevine”, from the saying.

It can be empty, it can be full; but no matter how much, it will always be the same size and same mass.
What is it?


@Seelpit so what is their age?


It should be 2*(x-2)=x+2 which gives 6 and is consistent with the second condition


Ah, in that case, the second part of the first condition was worded confusingly:

As this doesn’t really make it clear whether this refers to their current age or their age upon the subtraction.

that said you win