Riddle me this


I can’t even think of something that does not like glass lmao


remembers chemistry

tries to figure out how mercury can have ears…


Hears chemistry


eyo chem is cool


Big Brother

  1. He’s rotten -> bad for teeth
  2. Hears everything -> big ears
  3. No transparency -> doesn’t like glass


wdym doesn’t like glass… like windows?


Big Brother doesn’t like glass in the sense that he doesn’t replicate it in his programs. Big Brother keeps secrets [equivalent to being opaque] as opposed to maintaining a transparent government.


If two is a company and 3 is a crowd, what are four and five?





Correct! You have a riddle to add?


Sadly all the riddles I have are ones that I don’t know an answer to, I’ll add them if I do find one, though.


If you look, you cannot see me. If you see me, you cannot see anything else. What am I?

I saw this riddle in elementary school, and I remember it to this day for some reason.


your eyelids


those weird floaty thingies that you can spot when you look at the blue sky


I believe they are called “clouds”.


nope, they’re in your eye. I think they’re called floaters. I would have said clouds xD


Nothing (or darkness).
A man lives on the 12th floor of a building. On a regular sunny day, he takes the elevator up to the fifth floor of the building and walks up the stairs the rest of the way, and he always takes the elevator down all floors. On rainy days, or when the elevator has other people, he takes the elevator up to the 12th floor and doesn’t walk. Why does he do this?


Riddle me this, what will eat you if you eat it?


Acid ?