Riddle me this


I was gonna guess the horrific creation



Nah, I actually go outside quite frequently.




@Wilhuff well I can’t go outside cuz i’m in class rn


It’s a stamp.


It falls from the sky, It grows on your head, and it’s made of skin. What the fuck am I?



It exists, and yet you can’t see it. What am I?


rated r movies, depending on your parents :wink:

or air, or atoms, or the inside of your own skull


i was aiming for dandruff


I am _______ and I am the fastest man alive who am I?


Usain Bolt.


dang it I thought someone was gonna say Barry Allen


I am the bane of a good movie, what am I?


bane from the dark knight



I wanted to say CGI but all right


What kind of coat can only be put on when wet?


A coat of paint


I have keys but no lock, you can enter but not leave what am I?



Where is the safest place in the world?