Riddle Thread


oh cool thanks
but the cookie is unlocked through riddle, what do you have?




Like someone said before, just search for animal abuse and you’ll find the answer.
(no, your answer isnt correct)


Oh ybrian. Goood riddance


You have 12 big macs, you eat one. Now your going to eat one more. howmany :b:ig :b:acs now ni :b: :b: a


11, since you didnt eat the other one yet.


It goes and never stops
Its everywhere but nowhere seen

(easy one)



Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet


is it a poem


It’s a riddle someone posed at his wedding, where as a reward for solving the poem, each of the guests would receive a pair of clothes.

Eventually they obtained the answer by trickery, so he had to give them each a pair of clothes, as stated in the terms of the bet.
Because he was pissed at how they solved it, he obtained the clothes by killing 30 men.


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