Rogue Buff? (Shrouded Assault)


Just a little concept. Since currently, Rogue doesn’t benefit in groups at all, and his ability becomes useless near other players. So here we have:

Shrouded Assault

While invisible, gain +1 Dex and +2 Def for every visible player within range until the cap is reached.

Tier Range (tiles) Dex Buff Cap Def Buff Cap
T1 0.5 5 2
T2 1.25 10 2
T3 2.0 15 4
T4 2.75 20 4
T5 3.25 25 6
T6 3.75 30 6
T7 4.25 35 8
T8 4.5 40 8

At most you would have up to +35 Dex IF you can keep them all within 4.25 range (T7). When far from a group, you can use your invisibility to the full extent. Going closer to players will transition you from being able to use invisibility effectively, to doing more DPS. You also get the benefit of being slightly tankier.

DPS Comparison

On cloak:

  • With 19 allies, Rogue will begin out-damaging Trickster on enemies with 0 Def. Both using Foul.
  • With 30 allies, Rogue will out-damage Trickster until 79 Def. Both using Foul.
  • Rogue will always out-damage Trickster at 19+ allies if both use Queen’s Stinger.
  • 30-Stinger Rogue will out-damage Foul Trickster at 34+ Def.
  • 30-Foul Rogue will out-damage Stinger Trickster until 60 Def.

(Both Equipping Tenne and Crown. Rogue using T6 Cloak and Trickster using Dancing Swords Prism)

What about the UTs?

UT’s could look like:

  • Bloody Surprises: No Def buff. +2 Atk instead of Dex, cap of 40, stacking with the +25 Atk it already has (Crimson Barrage);
  • Cloak of the Mad God would have no Dex buff but could give +2 Def, cap of 25 which would pair very well with the armored (Unseen Fortress);
  • Darkened Sun would have no Dex or Def buffs but could have +5 HP, cap of 200HP which stacks with its conditional +100HP buff (Extra Precautions).
  • And so on…

Note: These numbers are NOT final and are merely suggestions that match the items thematically.

Will this make him OP?

It may sound broken on paper because then “Why choose Trickster when you can just use Rogue for DPS?”. Well, there are some things we have to keep in mind.

  • Quiet/Silence will still greatly hurt Rogue’s ability. In those situations, his DPS will be much lower.
  • He depends on large groups for him to reach his highest damage potential.
  • He needs to keep allies within a certain range, making his DPS fluctuate.
  • Invisible allies don’t contribute to his buffs. So having too many Rogues in a group will actually lower his potential.
  • Rogue’s ability has a cooldown so he isn’t constantly buffed.

In large groups, a skilled Rogue will always out-damage a Trickster, but realistically, his damage fluctuates so much that he isn’t reliably overpowered.

Is the Def buff too generous?

Rogue is meant to be the safest out of all 3 dagger classes. While at most Rogue can reach 68 Def (Nil + UBDef + T7 Cloak buff), this only comes into play once there are around 4 or more allies near you. That number will go down at times, and again, you may be on cooldown or quieted/silenced, so it’s not entirely consistent, unlike the Melees. The idea is that having allies gives him cover, but having more than a few doesn’t benefit him.

Would this make him too situational?

Probably not. In fact, this may make him even more versatile and skill-based. In Solo situations, Rogue benefits from the great safety of his invisibility. In small-medium groups, he can take advantage of his Def buff which caps out quickly. In large groups, he can potentially do higher DPS than Trickster if the player positions him well and where being tanky is not needed as much.

This change would only give him more options. There may be some situations where bullets are always fired regardless of invisibility so a Rogue may opt to hide in a group and buff his defense. A rogue may find that the group is getting cornered, so the best option is to flee. There may be an opportunity to get damage in, so the ideal choice is to stay within the group for the damage buff where he would otherwise deal minimal damage.

Unless you’re really bad at dodging, in most cases, the Rogue would only get quieted/silenced when everyone else is too, which means he will deal minuscule DPS for the time being, but he can catch up once he is back to normal. There are many boss battles that take place in very tight spaces, that give him the opportunity to deal tons of damage.

Key Takeaways

The numbers aren’t final but the main point here is that Rogue could be reworked such that being near other players doesn’t negate his ability, but rather shifts his role, whether it’s doing more DPS, or taking advantage of safety in numbers.

this is my first character balance idea pls be nice ;u;




I actually really like this idea! It’s interesting, makes the Rogue more viable in group play, and would make me actually want to use it over Assassin and Trickster.

That said, it might be a good idea to lower the Invisibility time on cloaks a bit to compensate for this buff. Something like -0.5s on the Invisibility time and the addition of Shrouded Assault would still be a really good buff, but it wouldn’t be too broken, either.


It does seem a little anti-rogue to be working together with others like that, even though I love the idea. Many would acknowledge the difficulty to actually use the rogue how he was intended all those years ago, sneaking behind enemies to safely shoot at the mobs while they’re distracted with everyone else. I think this may be more of a battle of not damaging the rogue’s persona over game practicality.


I hope DECA adds this, very creative way of fixing Rogue


Yeah, this change affects our identity of him, but I think that only stems from the fact that his ability has always been useless in groups. It just uses up mana while bullets still rain toward you because of having allies nearby. Might as well make the most out of your ability and stay away from the group right?

I think giving Rogue the option to benefit from being in a group just increases his flexibility and doesn’t really hurt his solo class identity. You can always play it safe and let other players take the heat, maximizing survivability OR you can take advantage of the number of players, gaining buffs and maximizing damage… and the best part is, he can switch it around whenever it suits him.

I think the role of a ‘defector’ suits him. It’s not too far off from a lone wolf. He doesn’t have a role that supports the group, but the group does have a role, to him, and that is to be his second safety cushion and damage booster. Or at least… that’s how I like to see it


Yeah, kind of a mercenary of stats. Will join a crowd if it benefits him, but generally still try to fly solo. I like that way of thinking


What if rogue can invisi in radius


Kinda like the problem with lod pots… or even more op group rushing than mystic rushes… plus infi cloak.


I don’t think I understand


i think he might mean make others around him invisible.


That would be a funny cloak, but I don’t know if it would be balanced at all as PrimeGrind suggests.


Personally, I think this makes Rogue too broken in groups. I think just a nerf or an entirely different concept would make it decent. But I feel like this would be too reliable for DPS since the radius around you with tiered cloaks is huge and most groups are going to be within that radius, basically making Rogue at its peak at all times.


It’s just a concept, the Dex values and tile range can always be changed to balance him out.


I think rogue is fine the way he is, just increase his attack.
He is supposed to use his cloak to not be detected by enemies, if he gave a party effect, his cloak would be more useless. Also its a “cloak.”
If we added more party buffs too, what is really the point of effusions.


First of all, this is a super overdue bump. And second, those are self-buffs, not party buffs.

And it’s just a little idea I brainstormed in like a few hours that involves ability effectivity -> being affected by the number of allies within proximity. (Which seems to be possible now considering priest heals are now affected by the number of allies being healed)


Hey this is actually cool


rouge is in serious need of a buff anyways and this might be a good way to make it playable again


I love this idea


I mean why a dex buff if theres berserk, armored, and bards def increase is a different thing