Rogue or Assassin?


I enjoy playing assassin more, but I just made a rogue and got a really good roll on him AND i have a planewalker. Please help!


whatever you enjoy the most. you are playing a game, have fun.


I’d go with Rogue for now.


Assassin. If you’re more comfortable with it I suggest using it instead of a planewalker rogue. If you aren’t very experienced with planewalker you’ll most likely die or not make use of its full potential.


Assassin, unless you play in a server where you can actually solo stuff.




Depends, are you rich or poor?

If you’re rich play rogue otherwise assassin


I find the rogue to be so fun, but go with what you feel you will be for successful on.


TLDR You should make a rogue if your assassin ever dies, fulfills more general needs. Rogue is good for rushing. Assassin is good at farming

Actual Post:

Honestly it depends which one you want more, but I’ll summarize why you might want to choose either


  1. You are generally experienced with the game, and know most of the dungeons
  2. Mechanically you are confident in your ability to rush dungeons (probably the most useful part of the rogue)
  3. You are able to afford the pots and gear needed to make your rogue useful/good
  4. You need a rushing class


  1. You like end-game-ish farming, and the dungeons associated with it (Wine Cellars and Tombs probably)
  2. You can play a general amount of dungeons, but prefer to live a relatively risk-free life
  3. You need a Tomb or Wine Cellar class

These were mainly based in general. Looking at your account, I can see the knight and the wizard. Honestly, based only on those (and your pet), you don’t really need a char for anything else, except maybe for fun. You have a good character for basically any dungeon in the game, so it really comes down to which side you prefer more. Your pet is tolerable enough to play rogue pretty well, but that also gives your assassin more loot chance in dungeons

I would recommend rogue for you personally, as any reason to play assassin can be associated with your wizard. Your knight can rush, but the rogue is very strong for guild dungeons and rushing (eg. Shatter switches), that sometimes your knight can’t fill. Also, the rogue is generally safer.
Yes I know you already made an assassin and maxed it, but still


I prefer Rogues.
If you like Wine Cellars than use Assassin.


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