RotMG Age group


You’re assigning 1. A natural phenomenon and 2. A mythical character to an age group? Inappropriate off the bat, especially as it seems that you’re ignoring it was done for St. Patty’s day.


Woah I never attributed a widely enjoyed holiday to a single demographic.


I am a 40 yo virgin.


So let me clarify: You asked what target demographic DECA is going for when they implemented a new Patch based on a holiday then? Let’s take your post apart.

  1. You asked the question, obviously for responses.
  2. By asking the question, you wanted an answer of the age DECA is going for.
  3. Doing this, you assume that in-game patches based on a worldwide Holiday have a target demographic?
  4. From there, you’re assuming holidays are only geared towards certain ages?

Sorry for sounding harsh, but I don’t see the point of your post otherwise.

Funny enough, of the few things that actually offend me, I’m bothered when people relate rainbows to represent something they do not. (homosexuality, immaturity/childishness, etc.) From any aspect in religious/scientific history they should only be looked at as a phenomenon (IMO).


No, I asked what target demographic DECA is going for considering the recent Patch.


you’re looking at this too closely, somethings aren’t meant to be taken completely seriously. in fact, your tone and attitude are attempting to start an argument where there really shouldn’t be.

if you really don’t see the point of a post, just leave it alone.


Yeah, I thought it was kind of obvious I was trolling since it was in off topic but I guess everyone thinks I’m not.








Yeah I’m triggering JoshBros

He won’t answer my offtopic post :frowning:


btw if you actually want an answer to your question, this might help:

also this one


Thank you very much, but I’m quite sure most people voted for 6>.


^that is why I responded somewhat harshly, aside from the fact that I got personally offended (all my fault there, though).


… let’s try this again. and perhaps apply it to my own response.

that’s why it’s funny, lighten up dude!

rip, I’m not sure what advice to give you then. if you are continually offended by a single user you could try ignoring them, but idk how far that will get you.


Yeah, I wonder how many people have me ignored by now.


waat lol
water u talking about now brah
this should’ve been over by now[quote=“Xaklor, post:16, topic:7167”]
that’s why it’s funny, lighten up dude!

whats so funny? if he’s so bad it isn’t even obvious he’s making a troll post, i don’t find any humor in it either


Keep in mind that you have to be 13 or older to play RotMG (in the ToS)


Drunks and gays


There are probably people who are less than 13 years old playing the game.


so im basically doing illegal stuff
that means i can go to prison
hel yeas


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