RotMG Dating Sim Thread


Maybe one day others will see assassin for the prime husbando he is under that hood and ascot. :sunglasses:


May I make a suggestion?

The Huntress

The Huntress becomes fast friends with you, having a lot of common interests, more than most other girls do. She wants to get closer to you, but always shys away before making moves. Though, you notice she uses her trap more like a quiver…




Is this supposed to be a RP thread?


can i make a request of a big burly strong sweaty musky sweet knight. thank u for understanding


i literally just said who gives a shit rofl

i think you’d have a problem if your trying to correct someone’s art :thinking:


autistic screeching



thinking again

that’s it. this is Realmy Realmy Fametrain club.


So do you all want me to continue this or scrap it completely? I can’t tell with the mixed feedback lol


Please do go on.


Imma stop you right there…



i’m very confused, how does this work


I wanna see where this goes, and I love your character drawings! :smiley:


I wasn’t trying to correct their art. If you actually read what I said then you’d have known that I “didn’t say I had a problem with it, I was just curious.” They can draw whatever they want to, I don’t give a f***. You shouldn’t assume by the way, it’s bad manners.

*you’re. Paying attention in school is actually useful. You don’t make yourself look like an idiot online when you misspell something, therefore making yourself look more knowledgeable.


What do you mean by this…?


Let’s take a look real quick

now, when using the word should, it isn’t often used as a request. It’s used as a demand, like you should clean your room, or you should do this.

okay lets look at this now

huh, would you look at that. apparently you thought i was offended or something :thinking:

would you call Scorchmist, Shatter, Tauntauned, or Mynamerr an idiot then?




I love your marker coloring and shading! Never got the hang of them, I’m jealous. Super cute =^_^=


Stay on forums! also that’s my slurp.


The big 4
All from different countries
But all brothers
