RotMG - Gong Xi Fa Cai (Lunar New Year 2020). .[/Arts]


Knight. Knight. Where’s the knight ?


This is amazing! Poor Oryx lost a baozi.


look carefully


It isn’t oryx right ?


Not a scenario I would have imagined on my own, so bonus points for creativity. I especially like that oryx has chopsticks because it seems so unlike him and it’s perfect


Is art a career for you?


My career is looking at the art.


@Orsome Chicken got eaten instead. Looks like you’ve been spared.


Fully career for me, yes


i searched for 30 mins .


This looks - as always - absolutely brilliant. I love your work. Keep it up! :heart:


@Sataru please put an end to my suffering




oh god oh fuck


That was hidden


Oh my


That explains why every piece you make is so flawlessly crafted, amazing stuff as always!


Hmm how many decas for you to make like an phone wallpaper :stuck_out_tongue:


Woah, I just saw all the drawings its insane how much detail there is


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