Rotmg is bagged game [rant]


I think rotmg is a bagged game why im have lag in draconis im in safe zone and next i dead , my friend say that i stay in safe zone and something hit me.


Welcome to the forums :cocktail:

I suggest you post rants here :
The General Chat Thread

Instead of making a new post about it - as the post fosters no sort of meaningful discussion.

I’m not going to WC this thread since OP is not able to view the WC as of now.


this isnt really a rant…


How about not being so rude?

What would you call it then?


Its a post about a bug, in the setion for bugs.


Woah man, you dont have to go allout rant because you fell victim to the infamous lod glitch. Heres a lod top next time you enter a lod- there is a glitch where if a lod starts rubberbanding, the bullets for some reason stack and do not disappear on the server side (which cannot be seen by the client side), which allows it to pass through walls, killing almost everyone in the lod, even people in the center. So when lag strikes, you got a few seconds to disconnect from the game or youre gonna hear that DUN DUN DUN.

Realm is an extremely glitchy game because of its poor (and sadly unfixable) coding due to rushed development for a contest. It will take an extremely long time to recode the game, so get used to it. If you cant stand a glitchy game, then just go play some other game, you dont have to rant on the forums.

You had to say that because someone complained about an annoying glitch? Wow. Now THATS an incompetently triggered underage.
please dont hurt me. If that was uncivilized speak, let me know and ill delete it.


His only other post


So what?


My bad, figured this was another rant.



learn to use your nexus button.


RNGesus punished you for leeching. Simple as that.

It’s actually a glitch that happens sometimes but that reason isn’t fun.


Actually, it’s a post about a bag, and we have no section for bags.


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