RotMG Lore Timeline


This timeline consists only of definite information gathered from official lore segments, Realm Eye responses, and item descriptions. Any information unclear will not be stated here. Please note that this timeline is incomplete, as the full lore of the RotMG is unknown.

Also, understand that several parts are out of order. I will try to be as accurate as possible, but some of the information do not have dates and orders attached.

The Ancient Times (Early Realm)

  • The universe is created. Many Realms and dimensions come to exist. The crystals present in this creation era are later used in the Staff of Cosmic Whole. Many scholars speculate that an entity known as the Fundamental Core is the origin point of the creation. The Core is used in the T14 Staff.

  • Nebulae form stars and a mysterious element known as nightmatter. The nightmatter aligned to form the Bow of Deep Enchantment.

  • Cubes end up being the building blocks of everything in the universe, including gods themselves.

  • Omnipotent gods create the heavens and use a celestial pillar to support them. The Staff of Vital Unity was created from a piece of the pillar.

  • The oldest celestial library is founded in the heavens. Many pieces of divine work come from this place, including the Nativity Tome.

  • Mysterious star-dwelling creatures form civilizations far from the mortal planes. The Sprite World may be one of them. Some of the Tier 14 Weapons known to this day were crafted by these beings.

  • The Realms are inhabited by Lava Spirits bent on destroying everything.

  • The Lava Spirits were defeated and imprisoned by an enchantress who used a mineral known as Scorchium. However, the enchantress was then twisted and corrupted by the evil of the spirits imprisoned within the stone.

  • As the corrupted enchantress rampages, she is confronted by a lone hero. In the battle between them, the hero strikes the Scorchium Stone, causing it to shatter into pieces. A heatwave is unleashed and kills all inhabitants of the Realm. The Stone’s pieces are scattered all over the realm.

  • Life is renewed in the Realm.

  • Geb, Nut, and Bes are born. They are some of the oldest deities of the Realm.

  • The Grand Sphinx is created by worshippers of Geb, Nut, and Bes. It was brought to life and enchanted to serve the ruler of the Realm.

  • The Frimarra is created. It is believed that its original purpose was to protect the mortal lover of an ancient god.

  • Titanic air elementals start a revolution. The weapons they wield are also used in the present, including the Skysplitter Sword and Scepter of Skybolts. Not much is known about this event and who the elementals fought against.

  • The Great Orcish War takes place. In this conflict, dwarves fought against orcs. The Fire Nova Spell and Helm of the Great General may have originated from this time.

  • The Titan Wars are fought. It is believed that the bloody quarrel was between humans and giants. Like all ancient wars, it remains a great mystery. Ancient weapons left behind from this event include the Giantcatcher Trap. The Magic Nova Spell may have been created during this era.

  • The Astral Wars are fought. Almost nothing is known about this conflict, except the Staff of Astral Knowledge and Elemental Detonation Spell may have originated from this time.

  • The Kusanagi, a powerful katana with the ability to control wind and slay immortals, is gifted to the most worthy of mortals by gods themselves. To this day, the eastern realms are united under the icon of this weapon.

  • An ancient set of magical laws is established. It specified which spells were forbidden. The laws were later abandoned, but they were considered very effective for those times.

  • The Archon is founded. The group consisted of magistrates that enforced the magical laws. Their job was to hunt practitioners of forbidden spells. The Archon Sword is one of the last artifacts left by these people.

  • A Realm-wide ice age occurs. A tribal shaman named Esben travels to the Ice Cave in order to perform a traditional ceremony for the tribe’s deceased. He becomes lost as the ice age distorts the glacial layout of the cavern. Desperate for escape, Esben uses a forbidden ritual to unleash a fragment of the Void Entity, which promptly possesses him.

  • The ice age ends, leaving many tribes accustomed to the frozen ways to go extinct. Few survive – the Lord of the Lost Lands is one of them.

  • An angel stonemason named Malphas is banished from his realm as punishment for imbuing his work with evil magic. He was forced to go into hiding in the Realm’s volcanic mountains. He constructs underground passageways under the rocks. These burrows are the Abyss of Demons where the wicked souls spend an eternity suffering.

  • A tribe of Dark Elves crafts the Quiver of Thunder.

  • Ulricht becomes the first Dragon Tamer.

  • Commander-Lord Carosburg becomes the only mortal to conquer the demonic realms. He also unifies the entire world under his banner. The Sword of Majesty was created for him by enslaved demons, and became a pinnacle in the art of sword-making.

  • The kingdom that will later become the Shatters is established on an island. Like nearly all kingdoms, it adopts the monarchy form of government. From the descriptions of the Kingdom Skins, it can be reasonably concluded that the land thrived on agriculture.

  • A great library is constructed. As one of the most significant hubs of knowledge throughout the Realms, it attracts a large number of researchers, scholars, and philosophers. At the library’s peak, a mysterious and wise entity known as the Realm Eye takes residence here, sharing its knowledge to scribes.

  • Davy Jones, the infamous pirate, sails the seas and pillages ships. Near his prime, he discovers the Trap of Vile Spirits, a snare that was cursed by the gods of the seven seas.

  • An ancient guild of time-shifting thieves invent the Cloak of the Planewalker.

  • Oryx becomes the champion gladiator of the Shatters. His prowess in combat quickly moves him through ranks. He becomes a knight and his fame rapidly grows. He is famous throughout the Realm for defeating dark forces. To some, he is even considered a god.

The Current Times (Oryx’s Reign)

  • Oryx seizes control of the Realm through conquering.

  • Due to fear of losing his status, Oryx turns to Shaitan and Ruthven, the very beings that he defeated in the past. Together, they used dark magic to alter nature. This way, anyone who fights for Oryx has the ability to cheat death. Heroes that fight against him are cursed to permanent death.

  • Paranoid that the knowledge from the great library would threaten his rule, Oryx attacks the place. Lord Ruthven unleashes a deadly spell that mutilates its inhabitants. This turns Avalon, the library’s director, into a mad obsession of protecting his collection.

  • The kind of what we refer to as the heroes rebels against Oryx’s rule. They journey to a barren dimension and establish the Nexus. Since the Nexus dimension is not bound to any Realm, Oryx is not able to attack it, making it one of the most protected safe havens.

  • Oryx establishes his own court where he is surrounded by his most trusted advisors, including Shaitan, the Royal Cnidarian, the Puppet Master, and Xolotl. A double-faced guardian named Janus is given life to protect the court.

  • Holy paladins refuse to worship Oryx. The Pentaract is constructed by Oryx’s spies to lure them as punishment. The paladins who were lured were ridded of one eye each.

  • The heroes travel to the Ice Cave and defeat the possessed Esben. The Void Entity’s fragment is released, forced to find another host.

  • The Void Entity temporarily possesses the Golden Oryx Effigy. Since it was too weak to serve as a good vessel, the entity left, leaving behind a small fraction of life essence. This is why the effigy is partially sentient.

  • The Shatters kingdom is attacked by the Void Entity. The people inhabiting the place are possessed by darkness. The bravest of them attempt to defend the kingdom but to no avail.

  • The king of the Shatters, once loved by his people, is possessed by the Void Entity. He gathers his army for an assault on the Realm. Sensing danger, the Forgotten Sentinel jams the castle’s drawbridge, preventing his king from reaching the Realm.

  • The Royal Guards make a deal with Bilgewater’s crew to transport the queen of the Shatters to the Realm’s mainland. The queen made it to the continent, but was promptly captured by Oryx’s legion as she rode her steeds further inland. She was incased in her own gemstones and became the Crystal Prisoner.

  • A group of seven cultists (led by Malus) begins a research to create a powerful weapon in an effort to overthrow the Mad God.

  • After some time of researching and perfecting, the cultists construct several golem variants. The earliest prototypes include the Agonized Titan. The Agonized Titan failed because multiple souls were inserted into its body, causing great pain to the spirit. It is later used as a test dummy for magic weapons.

  • The Marble Colossus (codenamed “White Titan”) is the finalized weapon against Oryx developed by Malus and his fellow cultists. The only thing left to do was to transfer the soul of a paladin into the stone body of the giant.

  • Just as the soul transfer begins, a purple vortex rips open and rushes into the Marble Colossus, possessing it. Only a fraction of the paladin’s essence makes it into the golem. Since the golem is now occupied, the rest of the soul is left without a host and escapes into the halls. The wandering soul is the Spectral Sentry.

  • Two of the seven cultists (Phaedra and Valus) are standing too close to the incident and are instantly vaporized. Malus and the remaining four cultists, as well as a handful of followers, retreat to a makeshift hideout as corruption spreads through the halls.

  • The Marble Defender, a golem inhabited by a wise warrior’s soul and designed for protection, witnesses the corruption of the Halls. Understanding the danger of the corrupted Marble Colossus, it locked up the titan in a chamber and defended the place ever since.

  • In their hideout, the cultists use their magic to suppress the Void Entity. During this time, they worship a force known as Azamoth as well as divine beings like Molek and Balaam, two powerful demons.

  • The heroes venture to the Lost Halls. They enter the Cultist Hideout defeat the cultists there, including Malus. From the fight, they obtain a Vial of Pure Darkness.

  • The heroes defeat the Marble Defender and the Marble Colossus. On the Marble Colossus’s death site, they use the Vial of Pure Darkness, opening the gateway to the Void. How the Vial works is still a great mystery.

  • After entering the Void, the heroes fight and destroy the Void Entity. They return to Oryx’s Realm.

  • Once Oryx’s most loyal minions in the Realm are slain, the Mad God feels threatened. Thus, he summons the heroes to his very own castle, determined to finish them off.

  • The heroes defeat Oryx in his chamber, only to realize that the enemy they destroyed is actually a decoy. They navigate their way through the castle’s Wine Cellar and find the real Oryx hiding there.

  • After a deadly fight, the heroes finally defeat the Mad God and free the Realm.


LAVA SPIRITS! Also, Lava Spirits ruled the realms, up until they were defeated and imprisoned by an enchantress who used a mineral known as Scorchium. The enchantress was then twisted and corrupted by the evil of the spirits imprisoned within the stone, becoming the Magmatic Mystic. As she went rampaging, she was confronted by a lone hero. In the ensuing battle, the hero struck the Scorchium Stone, causing it to shatter into pieces, unleashing a heatwave that sent everyone in the realm into an endless sleep. The mystic’s relics were scattered all over the realm, waiting for a time…when someone would come looking for them.

Also, Oryx was a gladiator from The Shatters


Realm TTRPG when


This is canon to the universe


Correct. I forgot to add that one for some reason.

I probably missed this from the Reddit post. Thank you!


Btw, I wrote the descriptions for the Magmatic Mystic set alongside @Lily

Also kinda unwittingly followed Toastrz’s tradition of bad things happening to the mystics in lore.



But just a question: How did the endless sleep get broken?


That means they died.




I believe its now that the king’s royal guardians sends the queen to the realm with her steed right?

Also, I don’t really think it makes sense that the void entity was defeated before both Oryx(es?), probably the timeline would be O1-O2-Void-O3


Well, the Void Entity does at one point say, “Oryx will kneel before me!” suggesting that Oryx is both still alive and worth the effort of defeating. Thus likely means that Oryx has not been killed yet, and I think it’s probably a reasonable assumption to say that there isn’t a gap between O1-O2 and O3 where the heroes would have deviated from their course to kill the Entity and just leave Oryx, their main enemy, to sit and regroup.


The ice age likely didn’t happen during Oryx’s reign, it happened before that (and the Void Entity existed before that as well; I like to imagine it as plotting for decades haha I’m so funny if not centuries and then finally took advantage of the situation at hand to attempt to seize the Realm.

Esben was a shaman of a long forgotten frost tribe during the realm’s great ice age.
He ventured into the Ice Cave to perform a traditional burial ceremony on the graves of fallen tribe members, but became lost as glacial movements distorted the cavern’s layout.
Desperate for a way out, he used a forbidden ritual to summon a dark spirit. His feeble body was seized by the spirit as a vessel, denying him the mercy of death for eons.

denying him the mercy of death for eons

Basically ice age happened, Esben got stuck, Void Entity snapped him up, and he’s been alive in that cave for a very long time.

Also some things that could be added to the timeline:

  • creation of the Skull Shrine (during Oryx’s reign)
  • Oryx creating the dragons in LoD
  • Oryx creating the Hermit God
  • Oryx transforming Arachna
  • Malphas being banished from the angelic realms (before Oryx’s reign)
  • The entire lore with Dr. Terrible and what he’s led up to (pets, Nest, Belladonna, etc)
  • Oryx assembling the Court crew (plus Craig xd)
  • formation of MWoods enemies (probably before Oryx’s reign?)
  • Geb, Nut, and Bes creating the GSphinx
  • Aliens :thinking:
  • more, there’s ton of lore in realm eye responses that can be added


Nice idea to assemble this in a kind of timeline, even if necessarily vague.

Although is The Realm Eye even a reliable source/witness to the events? Not insane/demented from spending all those hours locked up in Avalon’s umm secret locked room with that red worm guy Corruption Phantom? Mad and angry at Oryx, subtly altering the recorded history to paint a worse picture? Or a true neutral source untainted by things?

Creating, then accidentally releasing them too soon. And then reworking them entirely a few years later. :wink:
Couldn’t resist.

Meteor Staff => meteors => outer space => aliens!! :alien: :smile:

Aye, things like the Sword of Majesty give info about Fearless Commander-Lord Carosburg (who?).


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