Sadness of a priest


I-I was rejected by my soon to be knight, months ago. -Sniffles- In uswest2 left bazaar…this is the after action.
(Put sound on to get into the feeling.)

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lol, didnt actually look at much of the vid b/c its just you typing,

but man
look at your topics made…majority community hub/offtopic


You have to play the music to get into the feeling! I’m always[quote=“Scorchmist, post:2, topic:2775”]
majority community hub/offtopic

It’s because all I post is usually always related to Rotmg in some way, even the off topic ones.


you could probably make more videos on the adventures of the priest. Maybe even a series. I’d watch them!


There was a time I actually thought about making something like that, I went around with my priest looking for the knight of my life. I have no idea what happened to the recording…oh well. It’s something I’ll definitely consider once I have the internet back in the house! And a good editing program :0


heyyy thats good idea!!

So i never promoted people to make vids b/c they would be boring and un-original, but i think you have an interesting sense for it. I would definately watch you vid.

I listened to the music and it WAS VERY FITTING, i just didnt watch the whole vid b/c im suppose to be doing HW rn lol


I just realized this video kind of fits with the story I posted a couple days ago.


how about the priest goes into the realms, collecting items and leveling up until he is powerful enough to defeat oryx and avenge his knight friend who was killed by ory


yeah story kinda of vids would be interesting.


Hm. I’m going to brainstorm ideas for the soon to be series. “The priest who tried to fix the past”, “The priest’s last wish”…


Creativity is my middle name. > ->


your parents probably weren’t very creative giving you such a name.


“Shaxasno”- There are times Oryx would sit down gulping down cups of wine at a time to rid of his past memories. This would usually happen during the major events like Thanksgiving/Christmas/Fourth of July. Anyways, I’m the only understanding relative of his that is able to understand him. In his drunken state, he would talk in extensive details about him and his wife. The day his wife gave birth to me, and how they came up with my name. These are his very words.

“Son, your are the first child of mines, and would most likely be the last. You see, the day before you were born, me and your mother discussed in great detail about your name. I came up with the first half of it, ‘Shax’ which means Destroyer. If I had gotten what I wanted, you would have been named ‘Shaxipheous.’ which means Destroyer of the mortals. But your mother was a stubbern one. She picked out the second half of your name ‘Asno’ which means Lover.”

If only my father, Oryx, would tell me more about my mother. He never got into those other details…


whatever you say, Knight/Priest fangirl


I liked the part where the sheep says “baa”.


y.y omygud soo sadness in this video. i like the sheep too


i was overwhelmed with sadness even tho i didnt turn volume up :sob::sob::sob:


you ignored my comment on the vid


Can’t there just be a band of priests brethren? O__-


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