Santa's workshop 3rd room loot


I can’t prove it because i didn’t record or take a screen shot. But for those that are curious.
Santa’s workshop DOES drop reskins. when you reach the 3rd room. destroy the middle present in the room and a random one will drop.
i was only able to do this once, so you have to be fast and keep an eye on your minimap.
my best suggestion is bring a bunch of att, dex, and spd buffs with you before you start.

again, i repeat, Santa’s Workshop drops reskins!


I think everyone knew it dropped reskins lol


Do you mean reskin abilities? T11 weapons? It has been established (I think by the main Workshop thread) that T6 ability reskins drop from room 4.


Dang. Got ninja’d.


lmao, yes I think i know the 4th room drops t6 reskins, i also got a ub att drop in backpack


Meme Thread

why he no got pet stasis tho


I’ve read that its possible to avoid it, but I don’t even know how or if that is true. I think I saw it on Reddit that its possible, but it was just someone saying it not with a video/gif.


you would dc if you didn’t have pet stasis turned on, you get pet stasised multiple times continuously once you enter the dungeon.


There is a way to avoid it. Just don’t bring a pet.


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