Searching for a Guild....-


Hi guys as you saw in the title im searching for a guild that is active and have a nice team spirit. right now i have a 7/8 knight a 6/8 wizzard, 6/8 priest, 6/8 rogue, 6/8 archer, 6/8 rogue and a 4/8 paladin (well stuff you can check realmeye). im red star my ig name is Smeagogo you can check me up on Realmeye. I play at least 3-4 times a week and I have some key i would like to open in my Vault. I have discord, skype and teamspeak. So if u want to add me to your guild just private message me in game or just right down in the comment. I usually play on USMW/USE/USW3.

*Also im a french canadian


Check out NSNG (we have a page on realmeye forums)




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