Selling Soulbound Stat Potions in Nexus for Fame


Here is a price
Dex 25
Vit 30
Spd 35
Wis 40
Atk 75
Def 100
Mana 250
Life 500
Will this affect realm economic?






Maxing’s easy enough, no.


Sure, let’s let fame trainers get 8/8 characters without ever touching a dungeon.


I guess I could finally get a god damn 8/8. Too overpowered, no.


Changed the title to proper English.

This wouldn’t be a good idea. As Toastrz said, fame trainers could get 8/8 without ever touching a dungeon.


20 minutes in fame train -> 237 base fame, which equals to 500 fame when you die (more if your equipment gives fame bonus.)
As along as there’s a fame train, there will always be easy ways to get fame.
I don’t like the ideas of buying anything for fame anyway.


fame, not gold.



It’s still too high

Oh wait I thought you meant trade them for fame nvm


I feel like those prices could be 10x the amount and this idea still wouldn’t be anywhere near balanced.


I would like to see sell pots for fame not buy them


That’d make it waaaay to easy


If Def is 100, and Life is 500. You could just trade you Life for Def and get more Feed. Same goes for Mana.


And when they lose that 8/8 to inexperience, we can all laugh together.


and cry once we realize they can make 20 more


The economy will crash.


I’m not going to fame farm any
So this price are very expensive for me


But other people would, you’re not making a distinct point.


If this was added it’d have to be 2K for minor pots (Anything but Def Life and Mana) 5K for Def and 50K for Life and Mana. So NOOOOOOOO