

Same with my ideas, although my sprites aren’t nearly as good. :grin:


I can’t be the only one who sees it like this instead of an eye slowly opening:



I can see either, but I definitely saw that until I realized that it was supposed to be an eye




You’re not. I thought it was two eyes.


It should spawn septavius instead of eyes for nomenclature’s sake.


“hey guys, remember when we brought you that double septavius event? well now you can fight 49 of them…!”


tbh there should be an event in the next motmg where theres just 5 of every boss in every dungeon but only for a day




Remember pentaract?
Feels pretty old


This is the Pentaract’s dad…


And decaract is pentaracts mother?


Exactly, your already getting it :smile:

Who would like to collab?

wait whos the sons son?




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