Servers down


Please note: this forum is not run or owned by Deca. Bugs you post here may never be seen by the developers.

We made this area as a way of keeping track of the problems we players experience. We believe that reddit, which Deca has designated the official home of the community, does a poor job of gathering useful information over long periods of time. A forum like this, on the other hand, is great at doing that.

If someone knows exactly whats going on please reply to this post because I am so fucking confused at the moment. Please inform me about whats going on with the servers and why.
, Thank you


I’m confused too and would like to know why the game is down… doesnt add up…




on reddit i heard something about some (ptrainers if i recall correctly) people in discord finding the IPs of servers and ddosing them or something.


Thank you for your response, i was just confused on what was going on.


i mean the desc of ur post says reddit is poor at gathering useful info over extended periods but thatsthe only place i could really find a legitimate answer.


yeah ok then


Yes i understand, and yes it is pretty much the only place where i can find info ATM.


Has Deca not made an official statement? Because us faithful Realmers want to know; WILL OUR FAVORITE MMO/RPG BE OK?!?


Anyone know when the servers might be back up?


I am rather angry that the servers are down. I was wanting to play rotmg till I started crashing… I hope they fix this by tomorrow…


I think everyone is pissed atm. including me.


Well then… still a salty occassion but oh well… I got starbound rp…


EUW is now up!!!


SERVERS UP AGAIN!!! Finally I am really happy now…


SERVERS UP WOOHOO. Yes i am so happy


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