Sexy Dagger


Sexy Dagger

image image

Very Sexy.

Shots: 1
Damage: 214-244 (Average: 229)
Range: 4 Tile(s)
Projectile Speed: 4 Tile(s)/second
Lifetime: 1000 Milliseconds
Amplitude: 0.3 Tile(s)
Frequency: 1 Cycle(s)/shot
Rate of Fire: 101%
Stat Bonus: +2 Defense, +2 Attack
Fame Bonus: 7%
Feedpower: 5389

Drops From: Sexy Bandit Leader image
Lootbag: Sexy Bag image

Thanks for reading, I was very bored…very, very bored…


why doesn’t the sexy bandit leader have breasts


Too sexy for them :man_shrugging:t5:


All these sprites are terrible, overly messy and terrible palette
I know they aren’t supposed to be any good but it just hurts to look at them


this thread made me rock solid


Excuse me? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
They’re sexy :smirk:




Gaod disagrees :point_down:t5:

You need to reset your RGB values, brightness and Contrast on your monitor.

Possibly some glasses too…


These definitely hurt to look at. I like the joke. Not what I expected to see today.


Blame the Pink…
Probably the mix between bright and dark colors…scrambles the brain :face_with_head_bandage:.

What joke? (Serious question)

Expect the Unexpected, especially when you click on a post made by RΞDOX. ~ RΞDOX, 2018


I fail to see the problem
There's nothing wrong with this

it hurts ;-;




Flat is justice.


it so hot that it hurts my eyes


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