Shadow Rose - Shattering the Limits


Good evening gentlemen, The Shadow Rose is recruiting once again for the 1% of Shatters Gods. We are looking for the expert players who are at the zenith of their ability. If you’re looking for the best most efficient guild shatters, with a fantastic, mature, enthralling community, do not make an erroneous decision and hold yourself back from what you deserve; to be with your shattering brethren.

Perhaps you’d also enjoy guild events, such as the PPE contests and other events. ghostly prism only shatters

Think you have what it takes? Pass the Shatters Test, then we’ll talk :stuck_out_tongue:


Can’t remember if I already asked this, but is this a Sisters of Battle reference?


Hopefully not, if so It’s a coincidence xD


Come on now lads, apply, test how much you know and maybe you’ll surprise yourself.






I will consistently shamefully self advertise until we’re the best shatters guild in existence.


I would honestly be very interested to join you guys.
But since im beeing very inactive it wouldn’t make much sense.
Best of luck and I hope you guys get some great comrades along the way! :slight_smile:


^ This again


Finally a Shatters guild!
Ever since the Alphamatic/Buldokan ones died I haven’t seen one that focuses on Shtrs!


^ This again again


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