Shatter is Love Shatter is Life




me too thanks




For the love of all that is holy…




Hey, I see you’re very devoted, you should join ShattersFanClub! We got only 48 more spaces left, so I’ll try to squeeze you in if you’re interested. Of course, you need approval from Shatter to join…


The General Chat Thread

Is that a guild?




Is Shrek x shatter fanfic


this reminds me of shaxasno…




What the hell is this XD


once u go black u never go back thats what they say and now we all scarred for life


How to un-see what you just read:


Could you please make more of these?
######i obsessed with shatter


thanks. wheres the cheapest i can get?




ok, i might lose my reg status some time this week, and u now know why :wink: :wink:




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