

Uh. No?


@Shatter what’s your notification setting on this topic? Is @-ing you even neccesary?


Yes it is. Normal settins


@Shatter, have you ever considered just muting this topic?


@Shatter have you considered meeting book irl


@shatter since you’re Canadian have you visited Ram Ranch yet


I have not.



@shatter what’s ur favorite sandwich


I like the mcchicken one


For him, it is the McChicken


@Shatter what do you think of Australia?


@Shatter why aren’t you playing runescape with me and jaype


@Shatter What’s your favorite food?
Is it possible to get a custom title on these forums like your’s?


Title was given by a moderator so yes i think it is possible for anyone.


yeah cant forget



The conversation changed from this to…something extremely awkward and wrong on so many levels.


Bring back Candybill.


I never realized waht that said…
candy i think you just make me stupider (don’t take this out of context)
remember the good ol’ guild dungeons where I didn’t know what your mule was? Yeah that was great

