

I’m back after a long hiatus and noticed how most new dungeons are harder on melees. Not impossible but harder. This goes double for knights with so many bosses being immune to stuns. My idea is having shields be similar to skulls having dual effects in case one of them is immune. I was thinking that they should add daze to it. It might sound op but it could be something along the lines of stun for 3 sec daze for 4 secs. If you think daze is too op then what second ability should it have it do you think it’s good the way it is?


because you are not supposed to stun bosses.

daze and stun at the same time? nani

it is not that it sounds op, it IS OP.
Consider how shield have multiple shots and pierce, with it having no cooldown.
There are only 2 items in the game that dazes : ST prism and QOT.
QOT have non-piercing one arrow(or lightning bolt) that dazes for 4 seconds, while having 6 seconds CD.
ST prism have 7 seconds before the decoy explodes, and it only dazes for 2 seconds. it also has 1.75 radius, making it pretty hard to use.

A point click ability that would daze AND stun at the same time?

Knights don’t need second ability. If you think it needs one, there is ogmur and shield of flowing clarity. Just use them.



Then what are we supposed to stun? And besides that daze starts with the stun so it’s probably not as you think


Let’s put lost halls as an example.

You can stun literally all the spawners of the room. Crusade commander, Grotto slimes, Golem, and so on.
They are really helpful to the group, considering how dangerous those mobs are.

Also, you can stun minions in void now, and the greater void shades deal a heck ton of damage (~130 per second), and if there are mobs of them, knight can be a lifesaver.

But it doesn’t matter since if it’s stun immune it is still 4 second daze, and it is already pretty broken considering that shield don’t have cooldown.

dont judge >;c


The cost of the sheild is pretty high compared to both qot and the prism. It really isn’t too spammable. Besides I think daze is the only other rebuff that’s similar to stun. I don’t mind if we change the daze to .5 secs more than the stun duration. Even the same is fine but it just seems like the shield is only good as a burst now.

Edit: I’m sorry about quoting one at a time but I don’t know how to make multiple quotes in one reply on my phone.


before we start, thanks for making me fail at the last second of 5.58 star osu level.

same as shield. ST prism, sure. It’s MP cost is 65, but as I said, you needa wait 7 seconds. and the mob have to be on top of it.



do you even read?

Not sure if you have done lost halls or not, but in organized runs, knights are really useful.


Like Ark has been saying, melees (and specifically Knight) really don’t need a buff. Knights are still monsters in mid game content with even a rare pet, and crazy useful in endgame with LH minions able to be stunned. Literally every LHZ afk check calls for as many melees as possible because they make runs so ridiculously easy. Maybe do a full LH run with a discord and see what it’s like. Knights are already indispensable there, and daze just makes them even more OP.


The final bosses are still immune to daze :joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:




Shut up you can daze him u just gotta sit on top of void entity and pray


Damn u rite


Ye I’m always rite

  • Add a 4 second daze to tiered shields
  • Leave it be

0 voters


16-0 in favor of “leave it be”

also stunned and dazed are literally the exact same thing irl; if you look up their definition on google they are literally defined by each other


Only way this would EVER work is if you lowered the time of Stunned.


Can’t believe this post was even made.


The only way daze can be added to a shield is if it’s UT and doesn’t stun.


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