Shitty RotMG ( Not a complaint about rotmg)


It was a PPE tho.


I know. I’m not saying what he did was wrong, it just makes me sad. It’s so beautiful


I really like this, this would make a godly vid. I would love to join you! :smiley:



pls reply im waiting





Ok I’ll stop



ender want to play for a bit


im on right now!


i just had an epiphany and decided to start bodybuilding my pet.
these are its current stats:
These are what will mate with it


Gotta make some child porn, huh?


even better: have the children of those two mate with an older generation!!!






Wait…How the fuck did this thread get here?


holy crap first 1/8

to celebrate go to ussw left bazaar
see that cutie?


when 10 min dc


how rare are sprite wands?


Not very rare


i’ve never seen it in ppes tho


Cus nobody uses them