Should i quit this game?


So, ive been playing this game for 6 years now, and ever since my main got banned
i dont have a real point to play this game… I have an 8/8 but i have nothing to do…
I mean i do like the game but i just feel its boring…

  • Quit
  • Don’t Quit

0 voters


If it feels boring, quit. Its not like we have the choice to hold you back. If you like the community, the gameplay, thoroughly enjoy it, then play. If you would rather play a different game or play nothing at all, then quit. It is all about your choice, not ours.


Free itenz pl0x


Games are meant to be fun. If it’s not fun, don’t play.




Get out while you can. :sunglasses:




Just go take a break from this game, and based on how you feel it might become a permanent one.


So is that why you started duping on this account?


You would probably do the same if i voted for quit and ill take your advice, i need a brake after a non stop 1 year run


"My main got banned"
Pretty sure it means i had to start over


You can’t "quit"
What are you, a noob on his first day after dying on his lvl 13 wizard?


I can "quit"
And i lost an account of 3 years of progress.


LOL why is he advertising himself…


if you got banned it’s your own fault, don’t complain about losing 3 years of progress…


im replying to a message saying i have put no effort into the game… please read before you comment thx


Nice flash 13 lol


trash game, nothing to do, no motivation.


Im always told I need to update it but Im too lazy to




Still, you shouldn’t be playing anyway.