Should players who admit to hacking be banned from forums?


It’s all good then.:slight_smile:



Because there are too few deterrents against it in the game itself and it’s up to us players to police ourselves.

Sure, it might have nothing to do with this forum/fansite itself, but this is a Realm fansite and should reflect the rules of the game. Most other fansites do so.


Okay I can’t remember if I already made a post, but here’s what I think.

I don’t think thy should be banned for something like RWT. They don’t directly impact my gameplay, nor do they end up killing me. But, two things are what I think people should be banned for.

  1. Using hacks to kill other players, like sitting on the Jade and Garnet Statues, or dragging units with antidebuff and invulnerability.

  2. When a user’s account gets hacked, mainly being Trof.


But should they be banned from the forums?
I really don’t think so


Look, I think someone who KILLS OTHER PLAYERS should not be on the forums. Would probably be a piece of shit Andy would just shitpost on every good thread.

If someone hacks another account, they should be banned regardless, they can just impersonate them.


You shouldn’t afk in the beach whatsoever :confused: :thinking:


Are you okay with someone else shitting on others people’s progress?


If they are afk on the beach, yeah I fully support it
FFA DONT AFK ON BEACH(it’s nice for them to learn a lesson)


actually dragging isn’t hacking I just remembered that
this also might be off topic

Okay, maybe dragging is hated. I don’t approve, but do you approve of people sitting on Jade and Garnet Statues using hacks to avoid taking damage, while still killing others?


I don’t approve of that, as the players getting killed aren’t doing anything wrong. I approve of dragging on afks because you shouldn’t be AFK, and if you are, you need to learn not to afk


Thats like saying that its that breaking into other peoples homes is ok b/c they should get an alarm system

Dragging on afks players

i thought godmode doesnt exist anymore

either way your logic is flawed, hackers that kill people doesn’t mean they will shitpost and ruin the forums.

hacks as in a hacked client, not hacking into another person’s account


Considering they’re hacking in the first place, they’re most likely won’t be a good addition to the forums. If someone hacks, I don’t expect them to do a 8 Pixie giveaway, nor do I think that them ring on the forums will improve their personality.



sorry, i didn’t know contributing to the forums means giving free items

there’s a difference between hacker vs. hacker + shit forumer

your vision of the stereotypical hacker might be a douche, which is not entirely one’s fault since they are breaking the game’s rules and can interfere with someone else’s gameplay

but hackers can still abide by the forum’s rules


I don’t recall saying that they needed to. I just don’t expect them to do it, which doesn’t help them.

How is it not their fault? Their the ones who decided, “hey, I’m going to go hack a game, and yes, while it is against the TOS, and might even ruin the experience for theirs, I’ll do it anyways.”

Troll hacked, he’s banned. Fweftjfhjs hacked, he’s banned. Sure, hacking was not the main reason they were banned, it’s not as if everyone was okay with them hacking.


i dont expect them to do it either. in fact, i dont expect people to do giveaways. if i told someone to do a giveaway and they said no, i wouldnt think bad of them.

misinterpreted what i said. if YOU think that hackers are douches, i wouldn’t blame you.

troii’s ban = ad hominem attacks, starting a lot of unnecessary drama, never contributing to the forums, being an overall negative influence to the community.

fweftjfhjs ban = ad hominem attacks, starting a lot of unnecessary drama, never contributing to the forums, being an overall negative influence to the community.

but they weren’t banned for hacking.

there are also plenty of hackers here that do not hurt the forums.


Whoops, thought

Was referring to the hacker, not me. Heh.

I’ll respond with this.

I was only on the forums for a couple months, don’t remember those other people.

If I was a complete asshole in real life, and people knew that I was an asshole, should I do something to at least try to renew my name? If I don’t, people will still think I’m an asshole, both on the internet and in real life.


Just go to the white bag thread and search for “nice no shadow EXPOSED”

repeating myself here

hacker =/= asshole

what you’re saying is like “oh you hack? ugh i hate you… but i’ll forgive you for $200”

i can understand hackers having a bad rep in game

but not on the forums if you contribute to it and abide by the rules.


That’s something you can renew yourself with.

Sure, expect the 200$ isn’t needed. Just an apology and a promise is enough for me.

Disagree. If someone will sit on something with no repocussion, killing other players simply for the fun of it, I don’t think that type of mentality will help that player.


I took that literally and that’s what I got.