Should STs be SB?


Please go ahead and quit.


The only people that want UTs to be unsoulbound again are players that haven’t put in enough time to get the white bags they want or simply aren’t willing to. Making UTs tradable would take all the fun out of the game, since wealthy players would simply purchase every white bag they could ever possibly want.


Playing devil’s advocate here: what if they did put the time and effort into it and weren’t rewarded (because sometimes that’s how RNGesus rolls)?

In their opinion, the trade system is here to “correct” those times the RNG decided to troll them hardcore, or to phrase it another way




If you’ve been playing for 6 yrs with no event whites then yeah, that is very frustrating but you can’t use that to justify unsoulbounding uts. I’m not sure if you’re for or against it so I’m just gonna say this anyways


bro wtf i posted that guys realmeye already sometime before u



There are two warriors. The first one has splendor/jugg/dominion/crown while the second one just has a regular set of tops without any UTs. The first one killed ten sphinxes, ran five shatters, and dropped dominion on their first halls and splendor on their second halls (and first void). The second one has been killing sphinxes for years, running any shatters they see, and has been active in an LH discord.

In a perfect world, the second one could trade for these items after farming enough as a safeguard against bad RNG. But instead, he’s completely at the mercy of RNG. He could kill one sphinx a day, without fail, since their release and still have a 12% chance of not dropping a jugg assuming it has 1/1000 droprate. Tell me they need to put in more time, please.


Do people understand the meaning of Random Number Generator?


the second one needs to put in more time, obviously. Or it is the fault of no guaranteed drop.
just think of the case of a player who is SO broke he can’t buy anything because of bad RNG (no pot or only rainbow, no item drop). How is this different from the above 2 warriors? why are there really no one who is too unlucky to be rich? because everyone put in enough time and also because of guaranteed drop. just give UT/ST guaranteed drop after x tries.


Well, the way I view it, there are two methods – either unSB everything, or add a pity timer. I would personally prefer things being unSB for multiple reasons, one of the biggest being that I can sell white bags that I don’t need instead of feeding them to my pet. Don’t get me wrong – a pity timer would be fine as a worst case scenario. If deca came to me and said “pity timer or nothing” then obviously we’re going pity timer.

This goes for STs and UTs.


@IAmShurima unfortunately, it’s already the case anyways due to wealthies being the only ones able to purchase keys. At least unsoulbound the UTs in non-endgame dungeons.


How does other people being able to get items that their shit luck wont allow them to get as a drop affect you?


I want UTs to be unsb and I play everyday grinding for an hour or two to try and get the UTs that I want. One of the whites that still evades me after 2 years is the Demon blade, and I have done easily 400 abyss of demons.


I agree with you completely, Its unfair that someon can kill literally 10,000 sphinxes without a jugg, but blue star billy gets one first try.


I’m not too sure what you’re trying to say…


Im asking how other people having the ability to buy UTs affects you, why would you quit the game if UTs were unsb, if you dont want to buy a certain UT, then farm for it.


lel off topic but ik how you got this Ponop account xd, i knew the name was familiar, surprised you didnt change it. btw pretty sure previous owner did get an event white, I still know him.


Over the course of your realm career, you will get lucky with some white bag drops and unlucky with others. That’s just how it works.

For example, I have had 10 shatters whites in the past 2 years playing on this account, but no ogmurs and only 1 jugg. What a struggle.

This is akin to using a sledgehammer to open your pistachios. Yeah it technically would fix the problem, but it would create so many other problems that it is just not worth it.

Suppose that there are not two warriors, there are three. This third warrior already has a jugg, except the third warrior happens to have also have an extra 100 life lying around. When the first warrior sells his jugg, he outbids the second warrior. Now the person that needs a jugg just had his jugg stolen by the wealthier player.

It isn’t a fail-safe if people are going to abuse it. If UTs were to be made tradable tomorrow, you best believe I am dropping all 24k life that I have and buying up every single ogmur, jugg, oreo, vial spirit, etc. that I can get my hands on. There are a lot of wealthy players out there that are just waiting for a UT weekend to buy up as much as possible of the market.

Even if this doesn’t happen, suppose that the 2nd warrior has enough life to buy whatever he wants. He buys all the UT white bags, and then quits the game because there is nothing left to do. DECA just lost a customer and a player. White bags are the only reason that people even play this game.

Think about what you’re asking for. You have done 400 abyss of demons. Think about how unsatisfying it would be to BUY a terrible white bag that you have already spent so much time trying to get. Now compare that with the big ass smile on your face that you will have the day you finally get that sweet sweet dblade drop from the actual dungeon. The feelings just don’t compare. Buying UTs would take all the fun out of the game. End of story.


Because it completely ruins the game in all aspects. It loses what made it special

