Should we make a general questions thread?


So there are some people that have a lot of questions about the game and questions can come at different times resulting in multiple threads about questions
So, my questions is should we make a general questions thread?
It could be simillar to the general chat thread.

  • Yes
  • No (insert reason)

0 voters


An Faq would be a good idea, but turning an entire forum section into a single megathread would be a bad.


While I agree that A faq would be a good idea, Why shouldn’t we turn an entire forum section into a single megathread?


You didnt give a reason why you think it would be a good idea in first place.

The thread would just be super choatic if there are multiple questions at the same time


IMO opinion, we should do it because it stops an overflow of threads about the questions, and seeing that most new forumers dont use the search function when creating a thread like that
Thanks for the feedback, though.


In my opinion opinion?

Not really, as nobody will bother to read the entire thread and many questions will remain unanswered as they are lost in the torrent of replies.

Discourse’s format lends itself better to conversations about a single subject.
The question megathread works on reddit, but not here.


I think it’s fine for a user with 10 questions to ask them in 10 topics and get 10 on-topic replies.
If it feels like spam/abuse then flag the topic and Mods will step in.

There could be some traction to having a general “new player questions” topic to allow asking a chain of unrelated basic questions that 1 minute searching or reading the wiki would find the answer, but it might be setting up a too complicated system.

If a user isn’t going to search forum/read the wiki, they likely aren’t going to realise there even is a newb thread, and they’ll still end up posting a topic, so it introduces a new layer of admin into the forum which is something to avoid. Also could end up encouraging newb bashing “go and post this in the noob thread you noob” or arguments such as “move to the new player thread?” “no I am 2 year player” derailing topics that are just simple questions receiving 4-5 answers, thread dies quietly.

For reference, there is a forum FAQ page in the top right menu, but I’d say the same users are as unlikely to read it for the same reasons as above.


OH yeah true, I didnt think of that. close?


Separate threads are a lot easier for me to read tbh


Some questions should be their own thread, while other questions can be put on one thread. Deciding which one is which is where the problem lies, it’s much easier to just not deal with it.


nah, just lumped with sum other stuff


Questions should be in a threads OP not sprinkled all over a megathread.


well we should make a mega thread for @Xxxerx because he keeps asking lot of questions.



Should we make a thread asking whether or not we should make another thread that asks whether or not we should make another thread that asks whether or not we should make a general questions thread?


Yeah true that.

He does ask a ton of questions. Would be a good interrogator someday.


the entire academy is full of " what kind of enemy can insta a player" " why cant i move when paralyzed " " why cant i use mana when silenced " all by the same player.




im starting to think that he might be an alt or smth


Yeah crossed my mind there could be some trolling, though some of them are vaguely interesting to think of answers to.


like his thread about what kind of enemy can insta a player? most of their answers r from experience or from common sense.

also dat grammar of him kinda sucks.