Sir Poopston Pet Stone


###Sir Poopston

Are you a noob, and have never got a white bag? Here’s a brown bag, just to celebrate you!

  • Feed Power: 9001

pls dont hate


The hell is this shit?

Pun intended


Man This Is Shit

(Pun Intended)


Man, this is the sh…

This would be a pain at events, I might just think I got a HP/MP pot!


Man this seems like a shitpost(pun intended)

Probably is a shitpost :^)


would it kill you to at least make it an actual brown bag instead of a brown white bag?


Quit putting your crappy ideas on here.


ok can we all stop it with the shitty puns.

also the sprite looks like garbage


“also the sprite looks like garbage”

I think that was the point.


When you copy Rammer because he got some likes


Meh, it kept the shitty pun train going, though.


I feel that you should really flush this idea down the CRAPPER

Eh? Eh?


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