Small Giveaway UwU [Closed.] [I won -Twitchystr] [prizes claimed]


Why lol


Both of these were already said too
(I feel like the answer is gonna be something dumb, like, the sky)



well time to pick new ones

white drake egg

wis effusion

wine cellar incantation


My two extra guesses: candy corn, transformation potion


orange drake egg
snake oil
the spider den thing that heals for 150 hp


magic mushrooms, lifes, holy water


Greater Life/Candy Corn/Golden Lucky Clover


Totally an Orange Bag

Legendary Mystery Skin

Server Heart


Greater Mana


Potion of Life, Spd Effusions, and Fire Water



I’m in Ussouth2


I am win? OwO


Hmmmm. Can you deposit it on a mule by any chance? I’ll do you acc details through discord if so


Laptop ded rn




What even is fire water


A wine


Fire water is generally hard liquor so likely not a wine, but being from the “wine Cellar” it makes sense to categorize it that way.


Yes. I classify all of O2’s liqour as wine


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