Social life thread


also sooo life story? are like… in 6th grade?

worst I have is a dude that is now a friend through a sizable rock at my head, but dodged so… yeah.

Think that was 6th or 5th grade


You mean 30 mates and I see its true all Australians know each other

I think I became less sociable after the military but I still associate with my comrades from then and people I’ve met working abroad

Most of my childhood comrades (7 people) are in prison for weapons smuggling they took a different Slavic path


'Course we do. I like Dennys.

Wo bu zhi dow “social life” shi she mo.
Anyways. I have 8 friends who can get really retarded (that includes me)
Enjoy classes.
Shitty math and science teacher, he doesn’t tech shit.
Lazy English and Socials Teacher
Only decent teachers my school have are my music, french, and P.E.
Gay mandarin teacher. (Let’s go color just to learn how to fucking say these four words!!!. Hurray!!!)
Cruel parents. Decent siblings


I speak a little Chinese because I am Asian and that is false. The correct statement should be 什麼是


You speak Chinese too? Lets chat!



Speaking of social life, tomorrow is valentine’s day. What will you be doing?

  • Spending time with my significant other
  • Being alone
  • Hanging with mates
  • Realm
  • Watching your friends make out while eating chips

0 voters

@ONEERKLONE 我好, 您呢? (My chinese is rusty)


Could you please add the option of watching your friends make out while eating chips?



Added, and nice to hear!


好! 你呢? 我的老师让我们看到狗的彩色照片,因为这是狗的一年。 我的一个好友叫她的同性恋老师,但她不明白。 谷歌翻译吸。 我希望这是正确的。
good! What about You? My teacher makes us colour pictures of dog because it’s the year of the dog. One of my buddies called her gay teacher, but she didn’t understand. Google Translate Suck. I hope this is correct.




Google translate does suck

I think its because of the lack of Asians in the world


(this is a joke)


She’s also making us sings bad church songs. I’m fucking in grade seven.
So the girls didn’t sing and me and the other guys ON PURPOSELY sang like dying hippos. We can sing decently because we to for our school play She basically said **** you and she made us listen to her singing. CANCER.


Why are you talking about your teachers dog.
Also @BLUbeans makes it look like you said something much weirder

Its the gay at the end that make it sound bad


i have a hispanic friend and i would say “que es un amigo?” to him


my social life is honestly great. for those of you making jokes about not having one, appreciate the little things, cause no social interaction is pretty much impossible. i got 5-7 real, close friends, and i’m pretty popular at the high school i go to, being in multiple sports like basketball and football and stuff like that. pretty much the whole school knows me and the majority of that is in a good way, so i could say i’m friends with literally half the school. however, i do thoroughly enjoy being a part of the rotmg community and forums although it is more of a “side thing” for me.
if your social is not so great, don’t worry. you’ll get through it.


why would they do that?


havent been to a dennys in so long

now u mention it im having cravings o.O


BOI. The last TIME I HAD Denny was 4 years ago


usually i would say what is social life as a joke

but i realized i litereally have no social life, i talk to one roomate with hellos and such
one more about english, not too much
the other talk about basic things in econ (which i dont go to anymore), and business.

So yeah, only really talked to 3 people this whole semester. total time probably doesnt exceed 2 hours…

although i talk with my business group but thats for projects.


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