Solution To Full Servers


Hmmmm this will work?


I put best server in the server options and it lets me play the game. :slight_smile:


I didn’t do a dungeon during the time, so I don’t know. :slightly_smiling_face:


I just tried and could not get into nexus. It was through the tutorial though not a ‘dungeon’. The same would then apply for projector, clear all history, cookies, and objects, and you can do the same but still no nexus. I did get in nexus once a few minutes ago using projector.

Main menu > servers > picked the one that was not full and quickly hit connect and after trying that two or three times I got in one but could not get back after I claimed my reward. I have yet been able to be successful at replicating that process.



even when it says normal I still cant get in lol


This solution isn’t for getting to the Nexus, which requires another method, I believe.

Same for me


There is a slight quicker way to get into a realm via OP’s method:

When you’ve loaded into the first stage of the tutorial, type the /nexustutorial command, this immediately takes you to the start of the second stage, thus you don’t need to actually complete the first stage. Saves about 20 seconds.

Still doesn’t let you get into the nexus, mind.

Oh and beware, as you’re in incognito/private browsing, all the keys and options will be on their default settings.


Another way to do this, which should work both in browser and Flash Projector. Delete the .SOL file for the game.

In my case that file is called ‘AssembleeGameClientOptions.sol’ and is in folder

~/Library/Preferences/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/KFNM3C2D/localhost/

This is on Mac, and playing with the SWF on my hard drive for Projector. The file name and precise location will be different for many people, but this should help you find it. There may be hundreds of files in the same folders; as well as the name look for the most recently changed file.

Deleting that file resets your keyboard settings and puts you in the tutorial. As above don’t go back to the nexus but go straight to Realm, and you can get in.


Im on steam so i cant use any of these tricks for flash or browser


Pretty sure the settings will be saved in a file somewhere.

Not 100% sure why the settings are saved locally, but they are for e.g. Kong, which is in theory unnecessary as everyone playing on Kong is logged into Kong, and has an account ID which could be used to store settings on the server.

But the code is in there to save settings locally, and it does so on Kong much as on So pretty sure the same code will be saving settings locally when playing on Steam. Where I don’t know as I’ve never played on Steam, but it could be in the same folder.


yeah it has an id


This… is genius! (well, it worked for me. I dont know about anyone else)


Found another way to do it, without using incognito mode or deleting settings. You still need to know where the settings are though.

Download and install Minerva:

It’s an Adobe Air app, which means it might prompt to download AIR. Use it to open the settings file, AssembleeGameClientOptions.sol. Then open the ‘AssembleeGameClientOptions’ list (the only thing there). Scroll down to the end. You should see something like this:

Change the watchForTutorialExit from False to True and hit save. Then when you reload the game it starts you in Realm, or at least it does for me.

If you want to go to the tutorial instead there’s a needsTutorial option further up (they are in alphabetical order). This lets you get to your vault as trying to Nexus at any point is still likely to lock you out.

The benefit of doing it this way is you don’t need to spend minutes resetting all your control keys and options.


Yes. It did take me a while to get those in order. :sweat_smile:


does it only work on mac?


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How I got in was logged out went to unfull server. the logged in and it worked.


I am on Mac, but AIR (which is based on Flash) works on Mac and PC. It uses the AIR runtime which it might ask to download separately. Here is a download link for AIR in case it’s needed:


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