[SOLVED] Error - Unable to load language [en]


I took a break from ROTMG for 2 months and have decided to come back. I was getting ready to play and then I received the error - Unable to load language [en] (see attached image for photo)

As you can probably tell I am using Adobe Flash Player Projector Version 30 and am running on Windows 10 (if that would even help). I use the RealmEye Appspot URL to play.

I am open to try any ideas that you may have.


This used to happen to me. The fix was quite simple, but in another PC I was using to play RotMG it was impossible. The .SWF must be a trusted file, in order to do this you must go to the Global Settings in the Adobe Flash Player Projector and go to Advanced tab and there change Trust Location. Select where the .SWF file is located or the file itself and set it as Trusted File. Now it should be fixed. :wink:


I don’t use a .swf thought. I just use the URL link.


Go to realmeye.com/appspot and there you will download the .SWF updated file of the game. Then do what I said in my last comment.


Man this fix should be pinned or something. @Yodasow you should honestly be able to find a fix just by searching the forums. I’ve seen this issue pop up way too often.


Use this link:


It worked! Thanks so much!


To paste a link without the BBS software being ‘helpful’ and looking it up use preformatted text. E.g. this is the URL I use:



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