Some giveaway!


lmao yeah i guess. i mean i dont really care honestly, just wanna pick a winner, but ill keep in mind that he didnt draw it


lol okay


I drew a dark star kha’zix one day ahead of time

Wizybrain r u proud of me (this only took me 1 hour but it’s the thought that counts)


ya my man


hey nerd does my vlad drawing count


so u want me to accept it while calling me a nerd…lmao. yes, it counts.



xd its something i’ve grown to use as a joke insult xd


xdhehe nerd


bump .-.


well huh. bump


No new entries? :wink:


kha zix on ulti


Here are my submissions


Are you asking for boost? I gotcha.


So when does it finish?


I hope you like dogs, Shiba Inus in fact, with a hat.


That’s the doge my man


You´re god damn right


So when will the results be announced?


oh i completely forgot about this.