Some Old Skins I made during WildShadow Era



Decorated Sarcophagus kinda reminds me of the current LoD portal.

Also I don’t remember Rock Dragon being out in the Wildshadow era…


Really like knight wraith and the siren



Love the “Rock Dragon” skin, that would be a sexy pet.


That was the point of both skins. When LoD was in closed testing, I made the rock dragon pet skin and decorated paladin skin as legendary drops from the Rock Dragon itself. Though LoD got shelved after the whole duping ordeal and outbreak of all unreleased UTs, leading to the cheater armors. I had to vault these ideas until LoD got released onto prod.


I should also note, that the rock dragon skin is a legendary pet skin. The decorated sarcophagus is for the paladin. The nightwraith is made for the ninja. Gargoyle was made for the sorcerer. And siren was made for the mystic.


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