Some Simple Pet Questions


Q1: If I want a HP/MP/Elec Pet I have to find a Rare Hum with HP/MP/Elec and then just fuse it with a random Human pet? And if the primary slot is the HP/MP/Elec then I would have a legendary HP/MP/Elec?

Q2: What do you think the best FP is for UC Pets. What about rare pets?

  1. Yes

  2. I’d just save items 3k feed and up for legendary. Use items anything above 300-400 for uncommon
    And 600ish for rare


Thanks. Needed that confirmed and also have some numbers to go by :smile:

Now to find a HP/MP/Elec UC Human … oh boy


t11 weapons work well and they’re cheap.

for rare pets use stuff above 400 fp like treasures t12 katanas and most uts

skins and other items with very high feed power might be worth keeping until you have a legendary pet if you have the space


Make sure you MAX BOTH pets levels before fusing. Otherwise the next rarity will have a diminished max level.


I’d save some fame for upgrading the pet yard if you choose to go that way. It takes 25000 fame to upgrade, which is quite a bit.


For the first question, any egg that has a pet that can heal, mheal, or electric can give you a pet with all three of these. Heal is the preferred primary ability of course, but you don’t necessarily need it. As for your second question, anywhere from 3-400+ is good for uncommon pets, while 600+ is good for rare. If you’re on the higher levels of rare, you may need to sacrifice UTs or FP items.


I put my own limit for rare at 300+ FP, for uncommon I’d say 145+.
Anything above 750 FP I tried to store for legendary.

Then when I hit legendary (happened yesterday) I was able to bump my first ability from 70 to 83 (which heals twice as much) by using the items I’d saved up.
I decided not to save up things for divine because I don’t think I will ever reach that without paying.


Only the pet’s first level effects max level, so you technically only need to get the first ability to the max.

But it’s a good idea to get both to max because it’s the most efficient


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