Spell of the Subsuming Void [New Crystal White Bag Drop]


###Spell of the Subsuming Void

[If anyone could help with sprites, that would be great!]

A spell that is said to have been created by Oryx to bring death upon all who opposed him. The spell grew too powerful for even him, however, and was sealed away in a barren plane of existence along with the Crystal Prisoner. Even after its eternity of entrapment, it remains incomprehensibly deadly.


  • Tier: UT
  • Damage: 110-140
  • Shots: 30
  • MP Cost: 100
  • Duration: 5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Range: 15
  • Special Properties: Shots pass through enemies
  • Fame Bonus: 6%
  • Feed Power: 1300

####Drops From:

  • Crystal Prisoner

####More info
This spell acts similarly to the fire and ice portals in the Shatters. When the ability is activated, it will create a portal at the cursor location which will shoot five ‘tentacles’ of shots, each tentacle being made up of six shots. They will circle the portal in a spiral pattern (again, similar to the portals in Shatters). The portal has a lifetime of five seconds. This spell is meant to be used to either focus all of your damage on a stationary enemy or clear large groups very quickly due to the pierce effect.


Erm… I like the concept, but I have 2 problems;

  1. This doesn’t seem very orb-like.
  2. Imagine the troll potential! I had a class idea like this, and threw it away because of the trolling potential.

Maybe we can get other inputs…
Also, shameless plug


It’s uh
Not an orb.
Also, yeah, I guess trolling would be a bad thing. I should probably make it like Stasis where most bosses are immune to it.


Ah, sorry. I was bouncing between this idea and the other!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, okay. Got confused there.


Hey, if you remove gravitate, and have your spell act just like a “death portal”, I think it can be Viable, especially against non-moving enemies. They’re gonna get destroyed!

Edit What’s with the +5 def? How many “tentacles” will this spell have? So far, it feels like a trap with an enemy-trigger. If we remove that, it may look more like a better spell.


You could drag enemies onto someone with that 15 tile range.


EDIT: Removed the Gravitize effect, buffed damage, increased MP cost


I don’t like it.

You can do focused damage and pierce enemies with high amounts of damage. That’s like combining ele deto and tablet together.


Well, you can spam eledet or tablet, but this one damages over 5 seconds. Pretty good for creating a barrier if nothing else. I’m thinking about the piercing effect and if its too much for these shots…

I’ll be looking forward for the sprite, though.


Eledet doesn’t have a seven second cooldown


That’s true.


That makes it a high damaging trap with a duration.


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