[Spoilers] Early Oryx 3 UTs and 16 (!) Agents of Oryx Abilities


I think the problem is whether the UTs should be unquestionably better in every way or not.

Many people argue UTs should be swap out items that have niche uses. Then items like the crown came along and were essentially superior in every single way. Heck, we’re still waiting for tiered bows to have general use.

The problem with making niche UTs, however, is that people really start to look at the risk/reward category much more.

Those UTs might be cool but I’m not risking life and limb to obtain them.

And I think it’s fine that they are continuing to make a full oryx gear set. But I know for sure that having a full agents of oryx st set comprised of rng itms that require multiple events to obtain isn’t really healthy for a permadeath game at all.

Some major tears are going to be shed when a full oryx st set dies.

Limited edition and permadeath just don’t mix. At least the alien sets and previous sets could all be obtained through 1 single event.


It would be cool if they shifted away from overt RNG towards something like “procs on every x ability uses”. When combined with the cooldowns of the abilities, clear windows of power can be defined (as opposed to random chance which can be frustrating). Skilled players might even be incentivized to learn how to time the procs to be ready for certain boss phases, increasing player agency while still limiting the power of the item.


honestly, the fact that deca released items with secondary effects not long after a certain rotmg private server got shut down just makes me think they got that idea from them

personally, while i like the ideas, i think they are getting kinda old now. many of the new items since motmg last year(more or less) have these secondary effects, so i feel like they are overusing them


No that’s a quiver

I felt the same way as I read through all these.


can we just take a second to appreciate this amazing sprite

Lag time

Trash, maybe I’d use it at the Corrupted Phantom. Even then, just for the novelty lol. Could work well with Necronomicon to enhance the dps even more, but that’s a tiny niche.

Cool, might be usable in tomb

Hmm, could be fun to swap this out with mist

Woland go brrrrr

Decent on sammy.

nerf when

yes, yes i need to buy snake pit keys now

I can forsee people having guild shaitan chest events.
didn’t read all the abilities ok.


The low hp requirement to trigger an effect is just awful.

If I fall to 300 hp I nexus or death happens in the next 0.5 seconds.

Also, Deca has been on a mad quest make weapons deal more damage, but they seem to have no interest at all in making enhanced survival items.

I think the parrots have made this issue extremely clear. Can we get an option to remove these secondary effects too?


The alien armours do have a survival effect of invulnerable, but still it’s similar to what you describe, the situation to trigger it is very low: requires taking damage when below 75 HP to trigger, but if the inbound damage is fatal it doesn’t prevent death. Feels lawyerly like “aha you didn’t read ths small print”. Nicer/simpler would be if it triggered invuln when your HP drops below a trigger point.


The concept of Necro “reviving” the dead to fight is something I’ve put in the back of my head for a quite a while, considering no one except newer players use him as he is a weaker wizard and priest. Like Nevov said, making all classes unique and viable should be the goal.


all i can think is that the cloak is a recolor of the Cloak of Refraction


=( this is so lame. i would rather them be a 100% chance with 50% less damage. especially since the skull costs a bleeding 110MP and DOESN’T heal



I am pretty sure the skull itself heals, just not the demon minion


it literally says “does not heal”


It looks like it does a bit of dmg as well, so you won’t be wasting your mp for nothing.


As the does not heal is below Dark Ritual though, it may just refer to the demon minion rather than the skull, that is what I was saying, but maybe I’m just being dumb idk.


It really explains itself.


Ah, so it really doesn’t heal at all.


smh specifying a heal value for VampireBlast, breaking the desc, unlike Memento Mori


Deca seems to be more about making all classes deal literally every buff possible


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